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It was a long one, and when he had finished it, Cecil remembered that the act of composition had been assisted by a cigar in his mouth, and Mr. Romfrey detested the smell of tobacco.

Well, I must go through the scene with Nevil! Rosamund concluded her outcry of ostensible exculpation. She asked in a cooler moment how it was that Captain Beauchamp had so far forgotten himself as to burst out on his uncle before the guests of the house. It appeared that he had wished his uncle to withdraw with him, and Mr. Romfrey had bidden him postpone private communications.

Expecting to hear of a piece of misconduct on the part of the household servants, she hurried forth, and found that she had to traverse the whole space of the lawn up to the tuliptree. Colonel Halkett and Mr. Romfrey had resumed their seats. The colonel stood up and bowed to her. Mr. Romfrey said: 'One question to you, ma'am, and you shall not be detained.

He asked himself and Lord Palmet also why he should have to go to Nevil at Holdesbury to tell him of circumstances that he would hear of two or three days later at Steynham. There was no sense in it. The only conclusion for him was that the scheming woman Culling had determined to bring down every man concerned in the Bevisham election, and particularly Mr. Romfrey, on his knees before Nevil.

'Ah, but if you meddle with politics, you must submit to be held up on the prongs of a fork, my boy; soaped by your backers and shaved by the foe; and there's a figure for a gentleman! as your uncle Romfrey says. Cecilia did not join this discussion, though she had heard from her father that something grotesque had been written of Nevil. Her foolishness in blushing vexed body and mind.

Better, it seemed to him, to blow the rumour, and make it the topic of the season, until Lord Romfrey should hear of it. Cecil had the ear of the town for a month.

Beauchamp! And then he walked firmly out of Romfrey oakwoods, and, at a mile's distance from her, related to his countess Rosamund that the burial was over without much silly ceremony, and that she needed to know nothing of it whatever. Rosamund's face awoke him. It was the face of a chalk-quarry, featureless, hollowed, appalling. The hour was no later than three in the morning.

On this occasion he wished to be direct and personal. 'What sort of hints were they? Lord Romfrey strode away from her chair that the answer might be easy to her, for she was red, and evidently suffering from shame as well as indignation. 'The hints we call distinct. said Rosamund. 'In words? 'In hard words. 'Then you won't meet Cecil?

It was dexterously contrived by her host, in spite of the colonel's manifest anxiety to keep them asunder, that she should have some minutes with Beauchamp out in the gardens. Mr. Romfrey led them out, and then led the colonel away to offer him a choice of pups of rare breed. 'Nevil, said Cecilia, 'you will not think it presumption in me to give you advice?

I wrote to her that I was unchanged and I was entirely changed, another creature, anything Lord Romfrey may please to call me. 'But, Nevil, I repeat, if Miss Halkett should hear . . . ? 'She knows by this time. 'At present she is ignorant of it. 'And what is Miss Halkett to me? 'More than you imagined in that struggle you underwent, I think, Nevil.