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Dissertatio de insignioribus Romanorum Poetis, i. e. A Dissertation upon the most Eminent Roman Poets: This is supposed to have been written about 1692. A Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning; the time when it was written is uncertain, but probably as early as the former.

The most that can be said for the Latin origin of the Gesta Romanorum is that the nucleus is made up of extracts, frequently of glaring inaccuracy, from Roman writers and historians.

This poem, in its turn, suggested to Shakespeare the outlines for his characters of Pericles, Prince of Tyre, and the Merchant of Venice. Other and less celebrated works are also taken from the Gesta Romanorum. After the accession of the Norman kings of England, the chief literary works in England for two centuries are those of the Norman poets.

The conception of love as a civilizing and humanizing power already underlay the sensuous stanzas of the Ninfale fiesolano, while the later part of the romance was not uninfluenced by recollections of the Divine Comedy . It is true that a modern mind will with difficulty be able to reconcile the amorous confessions of the nymphs with the characteristics of the virtues, but in Boccaccio's day the tradition of the Gesta Romanorum was still strong, and the age that mysticized Vergil, and moralized Ovid, was capable of much in the way of allegorical interpretation .

I must have told the boys stories out of my Goldsmith's Greece and Rome, or it would not have been known that I had read them, but I have no recollection now of doing so, while I distinctly remember rehearsing the allegories and fables of the 'Gesta Romanorum', a book which seems to have been in my hands about the same time or a little later.

Eodem anno Manuel Constantinopolitanus imperator, habito praelio campestri cum Soltano Iconij et illo devicto, in hac forma scripsit Domino regi Angliae. Manuel in Christo deo Porphyrogenitus, diuinitus coronatus, sublimis, potens, excelsus, semper Augustus, et moderator Romanorum, Comnenus, Henrico nobilissimo regi Angliae, charissimo amico suo, salutem et omne bonum.

Other writers speak of the Germans as bathing in their rivers, doubtless in the summer; but in the winter they use the warm bath, as more agreeable in that cold climate. So in Russia and other cold countries, cf. Mur. in loco. Separatae mensa. Contra Romanorum luxuriam, ex more fere Homerici aevi. Guen.

Arz-roum on the Frat or Euphrates, perhaps a corruption of Arx- romanorum; as the Turks give the name of Roum to a part of Lesser Asia; and all the eastern nations call the Constantinopolitan empire Roum to this day. Turkey, in these travels of Rubruquis, is always, to be understood as referring to the Turkish dominion in Asia Minor, of which Konieh or Iconium was the capital.

Iudeae terra per diuersa tempora a diuersis possessa fuit nationibus, Cananaeorum, Iudaeorum, Assyriorum, Persarum, Medorum, Macedonum, Graecorum, Romanorum, Christianorum, Sarracenorum, Barbarorum, Turcorum, and Tartarurum. Cuius rei causa merito potest aestimari, quod non sustinuit Deus magnos peccatores longo tempore permanere in terra sibi tam placita, et tam sancta.

"It is the fashion to underrate Horace Walpole, firstly, because he was a nobleman, and, secondly, because he was a gentleman; but, to say nothing of the composition of his incomparable letters and of 'The Castle of Otranto, he is the 'Ultimus Romanorum, the author of 'The Mysterious Mother, a tragedy of the highest order, and not a puling love-play.