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"'If I may come romancin' in yere, says Doc Peets, sort o' breakin' into the play at this p'int, 'with a interruption, I wants to say that I regyards this as a very pretty narratif, an' requests the drinks onct to the Colonel's grandfather. We drinks accordin', an' the Colonel resoomes. "'My grandfather comes back from this yere expedition down the Ohio a most voylent Jackson man.

Now yereafter, never let your imagination pull its picket-pin that a- way, an' go to cavortin' 'round permiscus don't go romancin' off on any of them ghost round-ups you're addicted to. Thar's the whole groosome myst'ry laid b'ar; them pups merely smells things they can't locate, an' it frets 'em.

If you-all goes romancin' 'round with hardware at your belt it's even money it'll get you beefed. Allers remember while in Arizona that you'll never get plugged onless by inadvertence as long as you wander about in onheeled innocence. No gunless gent gets downed; sech is the onbreakable roole." "'After that I goes guiltless of arms; I ain't hungerin' for immortality abrupt.

But this oughter be a lesson to you, Dave, not to go romancin' 'round with strange women no more. "'It's a forced play, I tells you, says Dave. 'Them Injuns has us treed. It's a case of fight or give up that she-towerist, so what was I to do? "`Well, says Enright, some severe, you might at least have consulted with this yere towerist woman some. But you don't.

"'I ain't worryin' none, says Mace; 'I ain't got no friends as would down me, nohow; an' my enemies ain't likely none to think it's enough dinero. Killin' me is liable to come mighty high. "After which announcements he goes romancin' along in his cheerful, light-hearted way, drinkin' his whiskey an' bein' sheriff, mingled, an' in a week or so we-alls begins to forget about them rewards.

Me en the kid are aimin' to do a lot of romancin' eround mebbe tomorry." Arriving at the cabin, Welborn took a can of gasoline through the opening out to the pump. He tinkered with the engine and presently a steady "chug-chug-chug" reverberated down the valley. Mechanical mining was on at the Silver Falls Project.

So I listened a goodish bit, and somehow everythin' seemed unnathural quiet, till I heard Katty fidgettin', and I went over to see would she take a dhrink of wather. The Lord presarve us and keep us, ma'am, if all the rest of them hadn't quit quit out of it they have, and left us cliver and clane." "Ah, now, don't be romancin' man," said the widow, remonstrantly.

It's a mistake. We're white men, an' I'm apt to come romancin' up here with one of these an' bust you so you won't hold together durin' the ceremonies." With his last words he made the slightest shifting movement, only a lifting shrug of the shoulder, yet in his palm lay a six- shooter. He had slipped it from his trousers band with the ease of long practice and absolute surety.

I reckon she's drawn many dibs out of other people's pockets that would 'ave been nestlin' there to-day if it 'adn't 'a' bin for 'er." Then a broad grin broke over his ruddy features, and he looked at me quizzically. "But 'e was a great play hactor, sir." "And a poet," I added enthusiastically. "'E could beat Kipling romancin', sir."

I ain't ridin' herd on apparitions; an' whenever ghosts takes to romancin' about in the cow business, that lets me out. "'I reckons, says Enright, wrinklin' up his brows, 'I'll take a look into this racket myse'f. "'An' if you-all don't mind none, Enright, says Peets, 'I'll get my chips in with yours.