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"Why, in the room, aunt." "I? No, no one." "I am sure I heard " "Now, really, you must go to bed, Winifred! What are you doing awake at this hour of the morning, roaming about the house? You were asleep half an hour ago " "Oh, then, it was your light I saw in my sleep! I thought I heard a man say: 'She is the image " "Just think of troubling me with your dreams at this unearthly hour!

There were no trees and no vegetation except moss and the plant called by the Indians wish-a-capucca the 'Labrador tea' that is found everywhere in the swamps of the northern forests. Animal life was, however, abundant. The caribou roaming the barren grounds in the summer, to graze on the moss, were numerous.

They had given her the freedom of the house, and for a day or two she had amused herself roaming all over it, for it was a capital old mansion, and was full of all manner of odd nooks, charming rooms, and mysterious passages.

Ruth and Imogene, he learned, had come down the day before with the New Yorker and were staying at the McDonnell home. "We're just roaming around and amusing ourselves," Ruth said, slipping her arm within Lee's. "Come on and join us." Lee smilingly shook his head. "Can't possibly do it," said he. "I'm leaving for the capital soon." Ruth drew him aside.

Everything has gone church, home, money, books, clothes the drink has had them all, and would have them again if they were mine at this moment. For some years past I have been a roaming beggar, such as you found me when you picked me up in the road." He said all this with very little emotion; and then lay back, wearied with his exertions in speaking.

Jim doubts whether the promised "good word" was ever spoken on his behalf to the witches, who were represented as making personal inquiries about him, because he suspects that the two robbers were themselves the only evil spirits roaming the woods that night.

We had marched a couple of miles farther, however, when we saw hovering in the air a number of birds, while others were flitting about the trees or perched on the boughs. As we drew nearer, we recognised among them numberless turkey buzzards, vultures, and other carrion fowl, while a pack of wolves were roaming about, disputing with the feathered tribe for their prey. "It is a battle-field!"

Master Hymn-of-Praise leaned thoughtfully against the ivy-covered wall. His eyes, roaming, searching, restless, pried all around him. "Footprints!" he mused, "footprints which of a surety must mean that human foot hath lately trod this moss. Footprints moreover, which lead up the steps to the door of that pavilion, wherein to my certain knowledge, no one hath had access of late."

Adèle, a young lady of sixteen, was sitting on a low seat in the drawing-room, beneath a blaze of waxen candles, intently occupied with a new book. She gave a start, on being recalled so suddenly from the fancy land in which she was roaming, but after a moment of bewilderment, flung aside her book, came quickly forward, put her arms around the neck of Mr.

The number of northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes roaming in Montana, who, it is believed, have co-operated with the Sioux under "Sitting Bull," in their depredations, is not known: it is probably less than 1,000. The Blackfeet, Bloods, and Piegans, particularly the last-named band, have been, until within about two years, engaged in depredating upon the white settlers.