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He had been expelled from Eton for breaking out at night and roaming the streets of Windsor in a false mustache. He had been sent down from Oxford for pouring ink from a second-story window on the junior dean of his college. He had spent two years at an expensive London crammer's and failed to pass into the army.

His neighbors, farmers in the secluded valley, had many of them grown thrifty and prosperous, cultivating the fertile meadows, and vigorously attacking the timbered mountains; while Phelps, with not much more faculty of acquiring property than the roaming deer, had pursued the even tenor of the life in the forest on which he set out.

For a long year he led his solitary, roaming life. Occasionally he fell in with Akut and his tribe, hunting with them for a day or two; or he might travel to the hill country where the baboons had come to accept him as a matter of course; but most of all was he with Tantor, the elephant the great gray battle ship of the jungle the super-dreadnaught of his savage world.

I learn more, studying over and over again the same Bagshot sand and gravel heaps, than I should by roaming all Europe in search of new geologic wonders. Fifteen years have I been puzzling at the same questions and have only guessed at a few of the answers. What sawed out the edges of the moors into long narrow banks of gravel? What cut them off all flat atop?

Rosamond's eyes also were roaming over her aunt's large embroidered collar. "I can hardly believe it that you should be engaged without my knowing it without your father's telling me." Here Mrs. Bulstrode's eyes finally rested on Rosamond's, who blushed deeply, and said "I am not engaged, aunt." "How is it that every one says so, then that it is the town's talk?"

He was acting as what is called a "timber-cruiser," roaming the remoter and less-known regions of the wilderness to locate the best growths of spruce and pine for the winter's lumbering operations, and for the present his keen faculties were set on the noting of tree growths, and water-courses, and the lay of the land for the getting out of a winter's cutting.

With intense sympathy, and tears in her eyes, she bade him tell her the sad wanderings of that unfortunate man, "his majesty the King of France," and who as a fugitive was barely tolerated, roaming from court to court, a protege of the good-will of foreign potentates.

Men like Hacker and his companions would do very little manual labor. They did not build homes, but were always roaming about the country. This trait was of value to men of the Davis type, inasmuch as the killers brought in much game when the home-makers were busy with their cabins or planting.

And it almost popped out, and she didn't mean to whisper the secret, even to herself! When the children came back from roaming the fields and woods, with the blossoms and green vines gathered in their aprons and arms, and they were all nicely set in the cracked teacup with the handle gone that Mamsie had given them some time before, and some other dishes that Mrs.

"You'll be punctual, won't you?" "Of course I'll be punctual," said Mountjoy, scowling. "Well, yes; no doubt. But there have been mistakes." "I tell you you'll be paid. Why the devil did you win it of me if you doubt it?" "I saw you just roaming about, and I meant to be good-natured." "You know as well as any man what chances you should run, and when to hold your hand.