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In the fall they drove in their cattle and loaded them for Denver at the chutes in the railroad yard. There had been times in the past when Summit ebbed and flowed with a rip-roaring tide of turbulent life. This had been after the round-ups in the golden yesterday when every other store building had been occupied by a saloon and the rattle of chips lasted far into the small hours of night.

For once, at any rate, it seemed likely to go the distance; but no sooner did the chorus, which had been taken up, to a man, by the motley crowd and was rip-roaring along at a great rate, reach the second line than there sounded the reports of a fusillade of gun-shots from the direction of the street. The effect was magical: every voice trailed off into uncertainty and then ceased.

You tell him that if he wants to keep me in good humour to preach a good rip-roaring sermon on hell once every six months and the more brimstone the better. I like 'em smoking. And think of all the pleasure he'd give the old maids, too. They'd all keep looking at old Norman Douglas and thinking, 'That's for you, you old reprobate.

"Here's a health to King Charles, Here's a health to King Charles, Bring the bowl that you boast " MAURY: Fill the cup, Frederick. You know everything's subordinated to nature's purposes with us, and her purpose with you is to make you a rip-roaring tippler. PARAMORE: If a fellow can drink like a gentleman MAURY: What is a gentleman, anyway? ANTHONY: A man who never has pins under his coat lapel.

He had learned what he knew in the days of the Battle of Britain and later in the South Pacific and then over Africa and Italy. O'Malley always had been a rip-roaring fighter who accepted battle against any odds. If trouble did not come his way, he went looking for it. Stan wondered if that last warning was not aimed at O'Malley and himself.

Inoffensive citizens are stood on their heads, or shaken upside down until the contents of their pockets rattle on the street. Parenthetically, these contents are invariably returned to their owners. The riverman's object is fun, not robbery. And if rip-roaring, swashbuckling, drunken glory is what he is after, he gets it.

"Not good, boys not good." His voice was gentle, though usually he was a rip-roaring mentor. "Varsity, you weren't rowing. That's the answer not rowing together. What's the matter, eh?" "I thought, Dr. Nicholls, that the rhythm was very good " The coach interrupted Rollins, the captain, with a gesture. "Oh, rhythm! Yes, you row prettily enough. You look well.

The truth is that I'm a pretty easy going sort, and every six months or so I take all the men and girls employed around my house down to Coney Island and give 'em a rip-roaring time. I make 'em my friends, and I dance with the girls and I jolly up the men, and we are all good pals together. Sort of unconventional, maybe, but it pays.

The great difficulty was the steering; but it was rip-roaring fun, the Boy said, and very soon there were natives running down to the river, to stare open-mouthed at the astounding apparition, to point and shout something unintelligible that sounded like "Muchtaravik!" "Why, it's the Pymeuts! Pardner, we'll be in Minóok by supper-ti "

The next speaker was a politician of the rip-roaring variety who pounded the table and howled his enthusiasm, whose logic was all expressed in the short-story form, sometimes witty, sometimes far-fetched and often profane. He interested me least of all, and my mind abstracted by the Tillhurst feature went back again to the Plains.