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Next he steps across the room soft and jerks it open, revealin' the classy Nivens standin' there with his head on one side. "Ha!" snarls Ham. "Listening, eh?" "Oh yes, sir," says Nivens. "Naturally, sir." "Why naturally?" says Adams. "I'm rather interested, that's all, sir," says Nivens. "Oh, you are, are you?" sneers Ham. "Come in here."

Disclosing the crux of his plot, his voice took on a jubilant tone. "Mist' Rosen, please, suh, lissen to me whut Ise revealin' to you. Dat blue bar'l of yourn is gwine ride f'um yere plum' to Memphis, Tennessee, in a cage wid a lion ez big ez ary two lions got ary right to be!

Clambering up the somewhat rugged side of the road, the two men concealed themselves among the bushes, intending to wait till the troopers should pass. "What can they be doing in this direction, I wonder?" whispered Wallace. "My freend," answered Quentin, "dinna whisper when ye're hidin'. Of a' the sounds for attractin' attention an' revealin' secrets a whisper is the warst.

Doris straightens up, brushes her eyes clear, and makes a brave stab at bein' dignified. "Snee," says she, real reprovin'. "I I beg pardon, ma'am," says Cyril, edgin' out and revealin' a broad black smooch on his shirt-front as well as a few other un-butlery signs. "Why, whatever has happened to yon?" demands Doris.

And fur off the maple forest looked like a vast mass of rose and amber and golden brown, mingled with the deep green of spruces and cedars, and furder off still a blue haze lay over all like a soft veil partly hidin' and partly revealin' the glory of the seen.

"Na," returned Marion; "but I wad richt fain ken her fair intil them! Wha is there to assure 's o' her faith i' the atonement?" "Deed, I kenna, and I carena, mem! I houp she had faith i' naething, thing nor thoucht, but the Lord himsel! Alive or deid, we're in his han's wha dee'd for us, revealin his Father til 's," said the soutar; " and gien she didna ken Him afore, she wull noo!

He's thrown his cloak back, revealin' a regulation frock coat; but under that is some sort of a giddy-tinted silk blouse effect, and the fringed ends of a bright red sash hangs down below his knee on the left side. He's got a color on him like the inside of an old coffeepot, and the heavy, crinkly beard makes him look like some foreign Ambassador.

Wall, the man broke out a' laughin' and sez he, "That haint a barn, that is a tree." "A tree!" sez I, a sort o' cranin' my neck forward in deep amaze. And what exclamation Josiah Allen made, I will not be coaxed into revealin'; no, it is better not.