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"But you'll like this better," she beamed, handing him a fresh new box from the toy store. It contained bright-colored modular blocks. Jimmy's parents had given him canvasboard and oil paints; now they were gone. Jimmy would have admitted he was no artist; but he didn't enjoy retrogressing to his uncle's selection finger paints. His supply of drawing paper was not tampered with.

As I have said, over and over again, the proof of any pudding is in the eating of it; so let every mother examine her methods with her children by this standard: Are the children developing in moral and physical welfare by those which she is using, or are they retrogressing? Is she employing tact to guide their young fierce spirits, or is she trying to crush them by old-fashioned rules?

The car had to be backed a few yards in the process of turning. Very stealthily, very gently, very mercilessly Victor sent Morlvera flying over his shoulder, so that she fell into the road just behind the retrogressing wheel. With a soft, pleasant-sounding scrunch the car went over the prostrate form, then it moved forward again with another scrunch.

In other words, I think that every investigation of civic, and for that matter country life should be studied from two aspects: to note the peculiarities, growth and development of the material, non-living and non-thinking elements in the problem the buildings, their geographical position, their age, their fitness for past and present life, and the distinctive local features that are evolving or retrogressing with the multiplication of some trades and industries and the decline of others in each area that is studied; the change in the quality of the citizens themselves through racial, educational, and other factors, noting how far ideals are altering, not only in the mass of individuals taken as a whole, but also by examining the changing outlook in every trade and profession.

Very small nævi may be destroyed by a fine pointed Paquelin thermo-cautery, or by escharotics, such as nitric acid. The extensive port-wine stains so often met with on the face are best left alone. The subcutaneous nævus is comparatively rare. It constitutes a well-defined, localised tumour, which may possess a distinct capsule, especially when it has ceased to grow or is retrogressing.

She is in very truth retrogressing, as far as effective control over the conditions under which she lives her life, whether inside the home or outside of it.

He proclaimed its lofty and serious nature, a gift of God to man, and the need of developing it to new importance and to new renown. This he undertook to do, not retrogressing to the teaching of the ancients, but progressing whither nature pointed, through research into nature, where he himself had discovered and had verified by prolonged experiment and experience.

The time had been when a workman, by skill and diligence, could rise above his station and become a large proprietor himself. But with the new order this was hardly possible, and civilization, in this respect, seemed to be retrogressing.

But alas! they have been wantonly killed, when they were least prepared for Heaven and best disposed for the infernal regions! And others have been mangled and wounded, so that they are crippled for all their lifetime and also hindered in the right use of their intellectual and moral faculties. And all who were drilled for war, were instead of progressing in virtue, retrogressing into corruption.