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Slowly the ghost, without change of mien, passes backward through the open door, disappearing in rayless darkness. Paul recovers, and rising resumes his seat. Straining his bewildered gaze, he sees that the door is shut. He is alone. Everything is as before. It must have been an hallucination, but how dreadfully real the appearance of drowned Alice Webster! Where is Agnes?

Fullerton states that he heard the raps. Mr. Sellers: I heard a sound then, but it seemed as if it was around there. The tumblers are here moved further away from the wall and the Medium resumes her position upon them. Mr. Sellers: Will the Spirit rap again? The Medium: Were any of you gentlemen acquainted with Mr. Seybert in his lifetime? Mr. Fullerton: I saw him several times before his death.

If after deliberate interruption he resumes the task from which his attention was distracted. His disorderly actions. The part the child takes in the development of his companions.

It is the best sign that they were good. It keeps up the reputation of my sugary. Try to retain the taste of them till next year, when I hope we shall all meet again under these same trees." A round of applause follows these words, and the whole company breaks out into hunting songs in honor of the host. "Now," resumes he, "we must by all means have a dance.

As the amorous dalliance proceeds, he flits in brilliant spirals round and before her, and again resumes his tremulous flight, consonant with her emotional flutterings. However intricate, however long the dance she leads, he follows, blithesomeness and confidence in all his poses. Exhausting work this aerial flirtation. The bride alights among the red knobs of the umbrella-tree for refreshment.

At night when the expeditions return, the camp resumes its animation. Adventures are recounted, every statement of the narrator being disputed and argued. Everybody has become an adept in woodcraft; but nobody credits his neighbor with like instinct. Society getting resolved into its elements, confidence is gone. Whilst the hilarious party are at supper, a drop or two of rain falls.

Mamma Delobelle sits by Desiree's bed, working by the light from the window, and nursing her daughter. From time to time she raises her eyes to contemplate that mute despair, that mysterious disease, then hastily resumes her work; for it is one of the hardest trials of the poor that they can not suffer at their ease.

Its position is very remarkable, being at the most westerly part of the Copper-Mine River and at the point where it resumes a northern course and forces a passage through the lofty ridge of mountains to which it has run parallel for the last thirty miles.

"Well, Tibo?" asks the abbot, stopping. "Nothing." "Haven't you found Haggart?" "No. It is so foggy that they are afraid of losing themselves. They walk and call each other; some of them hold each other by the hand. Even a lantern can't be seen ten feet away." The abbot lowers his head and resumes his pacing. The old fisherman speaks, without addressing any one in particular.

It shews you how well candles may be preserved; for though it is cracked about and broken a good deal, yet, when lighted, it goes on burning regularly, and the tallow resumes its natural condition as soon as it is fused. Mr. Field, of Lambeth, has supplied me abundantly with beautiful illustrations of the candle and its materials. I shall therefore now refer to them.