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Having delivered himself of this lying statement, he hops up on the menzil front again and, without paying the slightest attention to me, resumes his squatting position at the fire, and his occupation of watching the preparations of his cook.

"Gone!" says George, "all's gone now." He rises from his seat, in despair. "Don't get frantic, George be a philosopher try again here's a ten. Luck 'll turn," says Mr. Snivel, patting the deluded man familiarly on the shoulder, as he resumes his seat. "Will poverty never cease torturing me? I have tried to be a man, an honest man, a respectable man.

Just below his lower crossing the troops crossed at three points it turns due south, and after passing under Wooden Bridge soon resumes a more easterly direction. During the night this corps built three bridges over the Po; but these were in rear. The position assumed by Hancock's corps forced Lee to reinforce his left during the night.

When calm is restored, she resumes her attitude, ceaselessly pondering the harsh problem of life: 'Shall I dine to-day, or not? Certain privileged beings, exempt from those anxieties, have food in abundance and need not struggle to obtain it. Such is the Gentle, who swims blissfully in the broth of the putrefying adder.

I should think that as polite and experienced a gentleman as Mr. Blunt might have shot the Arabs instead of my poultry!" "So it is," thought Eve, as she glanced into the pantry and proceeded. "What is considered happiness to-day gets to be misery to-morrow, and the rebukes of adversity are forgotten the instant prosperity resumes its influence.

"The little book" has been shown to contain such extensive and important events as to justify the solemnity accompanying its delivery to the apostle. He now resumes the subject which had been interrupted at the close of the ninth chapter.

Then comes a break of two months, during which the writer was down with typhoid. She resumes again in June, finding that death has made many changes, and gets back to work again at once. By that time the Russians had entered Urmia, a thanksgiving service was held, the refugees dispersed, and the American Mission went quietly on with its normal work.

"Fanny hath often cleaned them when she was with me at Castlewood. And this dress, too, Fanny knows, I dare say? Her poor mother had the care of it. I always had the greatest confidence in her." Here there is wrath flashing from Fanny's eyes, which our mother, who has forgiven her, does not perceive not she! "Oh, she was a treasure to me!" Madam resumes.

Vainly the captive struggles; his mandibles chew the air, his desperate kicks meet with no resistance. He has met with his fate. The Mantis refolds her wings, the standard of battle; she resumes her normal pose, and the meal commences.

"And I," resumes the woman, "left the husband who neglected me, and who treated me cruelly, and gave myself, perhaps I was to blame for it, up to one who befriended me. He was the only one who seemed to care for me, or to have any sympathy for me.