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Moreover, no one dies before his hour: the time you leave behind was no more yours than that was lapsed and gone before you came into the world; nor does it any more concern you. "'Respice enim, quam nil ad nos anteacta vetustas Temporis aeterni fuerit. Wherever your life ends, it is all there.

Imagine yourself present when the first news of Bunker Hill battle reached a New England town. The tale would have run thus: "The patriots are routed; the redcoats victorious; Warren lies dead upon the field." But, if success be indeed the only criterion of prudence, "Respice finem" wait till the end. Presumptuous to assert the freedom of the press on American ground!

Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis, Sancte et misericors Salvator, amarae morti ne tradas nos. And underneath the great crucifix, which was fastened to the wall, he graved this from Augustine: O anima Christiana, respice vulnera patientis, sanguinem morientis, pretium redemptionis.

Thrice, Deus in adjutorium meum intende, Domine ad adjuvandum... without the sign of cross, Gloria Patri.... Sicut erat. 14. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. Sed libera nos a malo. 15. Respice in servos tuos.... Et sit splendor....16. Gloria Patri.... Sicut erat....Oremus, Dirigere et sanctificare.... l7. Jube, Domine.... Deus et actus nostros....Amen. 18.

If the old rule Respice finem were to be made absolute, and no one could be pronounced fortunate till the day of his death, there are few among us whose existence would, upon those conditions, be much to be envied. But this is not a fair view of the case.

The answer to the Epicurean's heedlessness is expressed in such lines as "What is this world's delight? Lightning that mocks the night, Brief even as bright." It is condensed in the familiar "Respice finem"; the peace of its self- denial shines out in Christ's "Not my will but thine," and in Dante's "In His will is our peace."

And because the End, by the greatnesse of the impression, comes often to mind, in case our thoughts begin to wander, they are quickly again reduced into the way: which observed by one of the seven wise men, made him give men this praecept, which is now worne out, Respice Finem; that is to say, in all your actions, look often upon what you would have, as the thing that directs all your thoughts in the way to attain it.

Respice finem is not here a wise, at least a sufficient, maxim: we must look along the whole line to discern satisfactorily and thoroughly what manner of man this was in life and in letters.

The prayer, 'Sancta Maria et omnes sancti' forms a natural conclusion, to the reading of the Martyrology, The 'Deus in adjutorium, the 'Pater Noster' with accompanying versicles, and the collect, are the prayers before manual labour: 'Respice, etc., Look, O Lord, upon Thy servants and upon Thy works... and direct Thou the work of our hands.

Respice personam, pone pro duos, bus non est in usu. If I could get up as well as I can swallow down, I had been long ere now very high in the air. Thus became Tom Tosspot rich, thus went in the tailor's stitch. Thus did Bacchus conquer th' Inde thus Philosophy, Melinde. A little rain allays a great deal of wind: long tippling breaks the thunder.