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At vero ut vultum vidit morientis, et ora, Ora modis Anchisiades, pallentia miris; Ingemuit, miserans graviter, dextramque tetendit, &c. The pious Prince beheld young Lausus dead; He grieved, he wept; then grasped his Hand, and said, Poor hapless Youth! What Praises can be paid To worth so great ... I shall take another Opportunity to consider the other Part of this old Song.

Windham, two days earlier, he had given a copy of the New Testament, saying: 'Extremum hoc munus morientis habeto. Windham's Diary, p. 28. Gardiner see ante, i. 242. John Desmoulins was the son of Mrs. Johnson mentions him in a letter to Mrs. Thrale in 1778. 'Young Desmoulins is taken in an under-something of Drury Lane; he knows not, I believe, his own denomination. Piozzi Letters, ii. 25.

Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis, Sancte et misericors Salvator, amarae morti ne tradas nos. And underneath the great crucifix, which was fastened to the wall, he graved this from Augustine: O anima Christiana, respice vulnera patientis, sanguinem morientis, pretium redemptionis.

Nec, ut soles, dabis joca. Adriani morientis ad animam suam. 'Poor little, pretty, fluttering thing, Must we no longer live together? And dost thou prune thy trembling wing, To take thy flight thou know'st not whither? Thy humorous vein, thy pleasing folly Lies all neglected, all forgot; And pensive, wavering, melancholy, Thou dread'st and hop'st thou know'st not what. Prior.

This man philosophises not unto death only, but in death itself. What a strange assurance was this, and what bravery of courage, to desire his death should be a lesson to him, and to have leisure to think of other things in so great an affair: "Jus hoc animi morientis habebat." And yet I fancy, there is a certain way of making it familiar to us, and in some sort of making trial what it is.

"Mihi est propositum in taberna mori, Vinum sit appositum morientis ori, Ut dicant, quum venerint, angelorum chori Deus sit propitius huic potatori." The students of the Northern nations mock, of course, at these revellers, thumbs are bitten, threats exchanged, and we shall see what comes of the quarrel.