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The Repettos said to me afterwards we have never seen anything like this before on the island, asking for forgiveness as he did. If there had been any angry words in the first instance from them there would no doubt have been a fight. Tuesday, March 3l. The men have all been busy to-day roofing a small empty one-roomed house for Joe Glass which Andrew Hagan is said to have sold him for L10.

The Repettos finished theirs some time ago, and the large sitting-room is not allowed to be used, that it may be kept quite clean for the "great event," should it come off. The minds of the inhabitants are centred on the arrival of a warship; it is the great event in their lives, and they cannot yet believe one is not coming. Christmas Eve.

We have enough tea to last us this year, and enough coffee, sugar, biscuits, rice and jam for some time yet, as well as oil and soap. We got a good deal of rice from one of the ships, but bread we had virtually to do without. The Repettos' youngest child is such a little pet, and so well trained. I brought him in yesterday when we were having afternoon tea.

The men soon got off, but were not able to intercept the steamer, which got in front of them, and it looked at one time as if there were no hope of overtaking it. They hoisted a sail in hope of attracting the captain's attention. Between our packing we kept anxiously looking out at them, and before very long went up to the Repettos' house, where we could see better.

The Repettos came to supper last night. She looked so elegant in a muslin blouse, and with a very pretty print handkerchief, decorated with Swiss chalets and edelweiss, on her head. For supper we had fish soup thickened with vegetables, stewed apricots and tea. Our guests always eat so sparingly. Thursday, July 25. Sitting at breakfast we heard the joyful sound "Sail, ho!"

Only three families accepting this offer it was withdrawn. Wednesday, March 6. Yesterday and to-day rain and a rough sea stopped the unloading. Mr. Keytel has brought a gramophone and has given a concert at the Repettos' house. I have never enjoyed a gramophone so much as I have this one, more particularly the orchestral part. We have been writing on and off all day.