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After some time of anxious watching the steamer seemed to be slowing down, and at last we saw the boats get alongside. There was a concourse of women and children at the Repettos' house, and I shall not forget Mary's anxious little face as she keenly watched the movements of the steamer. When she saw it was slowing down she fled into the house.

Saturday, August 29. It is now over five months since we have had communication with the outer world. Happily, the every-day duties and interests make the weeks pass quickly. Some families have run short of potatoes, partly on account of disease and partly on account of the increased population. The Repettos are among the number. It being their week to serve us, I told Mrs.

They have apparently worked this method out for themselves and find it creates less feeling than any other. This took all the morning. The afternoon was devoted to the division of material and clothing at the Repettos' house. There was a goodly supply.

Keytel, for every day lost is a consideration to him. The Repettos are very much upset because some of the new-comers are trying to take their house. Yesterday just before embarking two of them threateningly said they meant to have it, and one took off his coat to fight Repetto.

It has taken us a long time to really know the people. They are very pleasant and kind, but everything is not as it appears on the surface. Friday, April 3. This has been a most beautiful day. It seemed a pity not to make the most of it, so we decided to go westward, taking a donkey. The Repettos said we might have theirs, but as it took Arthur four hours to catch it we did not get off till noon.

We went down with Mr. Keytel who had kindly come in for our letters. I sat on the top of the bank with the Repettos and watched the proceedings. At first only one boat was going, but more men arriving a second was prepared. The sea was "making up" and it looked rather a risky business. They seemed to be hesitating about going, but were only waiting for the right moment to get off.

Graham ground a little wheat yesterday between two stones and I made a loaf of it, which he says is the best brown bread he has ever tasted. We have just been taking a turn in the dusk, and on the way called at the Repettos' to find out the name of the owners of the Greta Holme, the steamer which has been here more than once. We think we may perhaps get it to call for us to take us home.

The schooner will probably be here about a week. Mr. Keytel had lunch with us. It has been arranged for him to have his meals with us and to sleep at the Repettos' who have a larger house. He is an interesting man with many hobbies, being interested in photography, birds, flowers, fishing, horns, and curios.

The Repettos have been here this evening. They had some difficulty in getting in, for Rob saw them and took his stand on the doorstep, his hair bristling; they went round to the front and he ran round the other way to meet them. They are so kind to him he ought to have behaved better, but he does not approve of any one coming in the evening. We read aloud Mr.

This is the house whose ownership is disputed, several people claiming shares in it, the mother of the young man who wanted to fight claiming the most. She used to live in it and when she left the island begged the Repettos to leave the one in which they were living and to go into hers and take care of it for her.