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La Motte higgled very hard for more, and talked pathetically of his services and his wounds for he had been a most distinguished and courageous campaigner but Alonzo was implacable. Moreover, one Robert Bien-Aime, Prior of Renty, was present at all the conferences. This ecclesiastic was a busy intriguer, but not very adroit.

C 's children told me so, and I 'spect they know it. Renty, you see, did not take Falconbridge's view of such matters; and as I was by no means sorry to find that he considered his relation to Mr. K a disgrace to his mother, which is an advance in moral perception not often met with here, I said no more upon the subject. Tuesday, March 3. This morning, old House Molly, coming from Mr.

It was a blind and desperate venture, and the Vosmeer soon swallowed four hundred of the Spaniards. The rest, half-drowned or smothered, succeeded in reaching the shore the chiefs of the expedition, Renty and Mansfeld, having been with difficulty rescued by their followers, when nearly sinking in the tide.

The struggle must have raged around while she stood on the dark edge of the ditch probing the muddy water to see where it could best be crossed, shouting directions to her men in that voice assez femme, which penetrated the noise of battle, and summoning the active and desperate enemy overhead. "Renty! Renty!" she cried as she had done at Orleans "surrender to the King of France!"

To undertake this was the result of a rapid council of generals. It was too late. Renty held the hills so firmly entrenched and fortified that it was an idle hope to carry them by assault. He might hurl column after column against those heights, and pass the day in seeing his men mowed to the earth without result.

Birth, education, marriage, and youthful character of Alexander Farnese His private adventures Exploits at Lepanto and at Gemblours He succeeds to the government Personal appearance and characteristics Aspect of affairs Internal dissensions Anjou at Mons John Casimir's intrigues at Ghent Anjou disbands his soldiers The Netherlands ravaged by various foreign troops Anarchy and confusion in Ghent Imbize and Ryhove Fate of Hessels and Visch New Pacification drawn up by Orange Representations of Queen Elizabeth Remonstrance of Brussels Riots and image-breaking in Ghent Displeasure of Orange His presence implored at Ghent, where he establishes a Religious Peace Painful situation of John Casimir Sharp rebukes of Elizabeth He takes his departure His troops apply to Farnese, who allows them to leave the country Anjou's departure and manifesto Elizabeth's letters to the states-general with regard to him Complimentary addresses by the Estates to the Duke Death of Bossu Calumnies against Orange Venality of the malcontent grandees La Motte's treason Intrigues of the Prior of Renty Saint Aldegonde at Arras The Prior of St.

The unlucky Prior of Renty, whose disclosures to La Motte concerning the Spanish sarcasms upon his venality, had so nearly caused the preliminary negotiation with that seignior to fail, was the cause of still further mischief through the interception of Alonzo Curiel's private letters.

Alexander, accordingly, sent a party of eight hundred pikemen, under Montigny, Marquis of Renty, and Ottavio Mansfeld, supported on the dyke by three thousand musketeers, across; the dangerous ford, at ebb-tide, in order to seize this important island.

Hardly a day passed that La Motte, or Renty, or Aremberg, did not send Lord Derby, or Cobham, or Robert Cecil, a hare, or a pheasant, or a cast of hawks, and they in return sent barrel upon barrel of Ostend oysters, five or six hundred at a time. The Englishmen, too; had it in their power to gratify Alexander himself with English greyhounds, for which he had a special liking.

She told me her age was five-and-twenty, Cash in the bank of course she'd plenty, I like a lamb believed it all, I was an M.U.G.; At Trinity Church I met my doom, Now we live in a top back room, Up to my eyes in debt for 'renty', That's what she's done for me. The chorus rang out with a deafening roar.