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Renty, commander of the vanguard, consisting of nearly all the cavalry, was instructed to move slowly forward over the two hills, and descending on the opposite side, to deploy his forces in two great wings to the right and left. He was secretly directed in this movement to magnify as much as possible the apparent dimensions of his force. Slowly the columns moved over the hills.

The unlucky Prior of Renty, whose disclosures to La Motte concerning the Spanish sarcasms upon his venality, had so nearly caused the preliminary negotiation with that seignior to fail, was the cause of still further mischief through the interception of Alonzo Curiel's private letters.

To undertake this was the result of a rapid council of generals. It was too late. Renty held the hills so firmly entrenched and fortified that it was an idle hope to carry them by assault. He might hurl column after column against those heights, and pass the day in seeing his men mowed to the earth without result.

The only important effect produced by the discovery was upon the Prior of Renty himself.

The battalia had thus become the van, the rearguard the battalia, while the whole cavalry corps by this movement had been transformed from the vanguard into the rear. Renty was instructed to protect his manoeuvres, to restrain the skirmishing as much as possible, and to keep the commander-in-chief constantly informed of every occurrence.

Eloi: Mischief made by the Prior of Renty His accusations against the reconciled lords Vengeance taken upon him Counter movement by the liberal party Union of Utrecht The Act analyzed and characterized. A fifth governor now stood in the place which had been successively vacated by Margaret of Parma, by Alva, by the Grand Commander, and by Don John of Austria.

The only important effect produced by the discovery was upon the Prior of Renty himself.

La Motte higgled very hard for more, and talked pathetically of his services and his wounds for he had been a most distinguished and courageous campaigner but Alonzo was implacable. Moreover, one Robert Bien-Aime, Prior of Renty, was present at all the conferences. This ecclesiastic was a busy intriguer, but not very adroit.

K denies it. 'That's because he never has looked upon them, nor done a thing for them. 'Well, but he acknowledged Renty as his son, why should he deny these? 'Because old master was here then, when Renty was born, and he made Betty tell all about it, and Mr. K had to own it; but nobody knows anything about this, and so he denies it' with which information I rode home.

Cecil was informed that Stanley was to have a commandery of Malta, and was in good favour with the Duke, who was, however, quite weary of his mutinous and disorderly Irish regiment. In the bed-chamber, Farnese accompanied by the Marquis del Guasto, the Marquis of Renty, the Prince of Aremberg, President Richardot, and Secretary Cosimo received the envoy and his companion.