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Agathemer and I spent the whole day in our hiding place, suffering terribly from the heat, for the day was hot, muggy and breezeless, so that the still sultry air was stifling. We spared our water-bottles and made their contents last. Our bread we munched relishingly after noon. Before sunset we were discovered and unearthed by some of the infantry whose trappings were unknown to us.

But your husband on the contrary, takes especial care of his affairs; and for the pleasure and ease of his wife, goes himself to market, there buies a good joint of meat or a Fowl, and gets it made ready, and sits down and eats it with his beloved: Then when he and you have very relishingly satisfied your appetites, and drunk two or three glas of wine into the bargain, he invites you very quietly to walk up stairs into your chamber to say a day-lesson.

She was applauded relishingly when, after vainly wooing him, she turned aside and said 'What change is this in one who like a reed Bent to my twisting hands? Does he recoil? Is this the hound whom I have used to feed With sops of vinegar and sops of oil?

She was applauded relishingly when, after vainly wooing him, she turned aside and said 'What change is this in one who like a reed Bent to my twisting hands? Does he recoil? Is this the hound whom I have used to feed With sops of vinegar and sops of oil?

"A Young Man, a Native of this State, Son of a Leading Citizen, Studies Prosecuted under the Most Experienced Masters in Paris," he added relishingly. "But, my dear dad, what is it all about?" I interrupted. "I never even dreamed of being a sculptor." "Well, here it is," said he.

'Oh, Holy One! said Kim, bubbling with mirth at the lama's rueful face. 'It is true. I gave her one against wind. 'Teeth teeth teeth, snapped the old woman. "'Cure them if they are sick," Kim quoted relishingly, "'but by no means work charms. Remember what befell the Mahratta."

In the November instalment of "The Women of To-morrow," Mr. Hard will discuss "The Wasters." * Vol. XXIII October 1910 No. 4 By SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS ROMANCE revels in the peril of the unknown. Lapped about with the armor-plate of civilization, the modern citizen muses relishingly, like a child beguiling himself with ogre tales, upon the terrors which lie just beyond his ken. To his mind,

Shrapnel, whose loose disjunct audiences he was conscious he could, giving the doctor any start he liked, whirl away from him and have compact, enchained, at his first flourish; yea, though they were composed of 'the poor man, with a stomach for the political distillery fit to drain relishingly every private bogside or mountain-side tap in old Ireland in its best days the illicit, you understand.

Some of my shopmates tittered obsequiously, which encouraged Manheimer to further sarcasm. "Why, he doesn't even know how to handle a bottle of milk. Did you ever see such a lobster?" At this there was an explosion of merriment. "A lobster!" one of the tailors repeated, relishingly I could have murdered him as well as Manheimer. My head was swimming.

It is a decided relief from the tension when a maid appears from the other house, and Miss Dodo is carried off for her nooning nap, kicking vigorously. They sit back and sip their iced drinks relishingly. The morning is warm and Joyce's lovelocks are tightly curled against her wet forehead.