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And a book relatin' to the namin' of America. I thought it would been a good plan if there had been a few more about that, and had named it Columbia jest what it ort to be, and not let another man take the honor that should have been Christopher's.

'I reckons now my wife recoverin' that Laredo divorce I'm mentionin' to you-alls, sorter leaves me a heap petulant, that a-way. But to go back to this war- jig I was relatin' about down at Plaza Paloduro. "'It's this a-way: No, Nellie; thar's no female in it.

There were, indeed, some things spoken o' in the course o' conversation between my mother, and oor guest, and I, relatin to family affairs, in which we couldna somehow or other come to a distinct understandin.

"'An' it's mebby second drink time after midnight, gasps the cow-puncher who's relatin' the adventures, 'an' me an' Jim is experimentin' along the aige of the mesa, when of a suddent thar comes two steers, heads down, tails up, locoed absoloote they be; an' flashin' about in the r'ar of 'em rides this flamin' cow-sperit on its flamin' cayouse.

Run along now, children dear! Ye're wanted at the telephone!" "I'll be tellin' certain folks a few things relatin' t' the sellin' o' this or that on the street," now observed the policeman, vaguely. "Eh, Father Pat?"

In the last convention, he nacherally herds things into a corner, an' thar's only forty votes ag'in him at the finish. My grandfather allers says when relatin' of it to me long afterwards: ""An' grandson Willyum, five gallons more of rum would have made that convention yoonanimous.

As Billy walks out one mornin' to sniff the climate some, he remarks a Mexican which his name is Jose Salazar, but don't cut no figger nohow sorter 'propriatin' of a mule. "'The same, as Billy says, in relatin' the casooalty later, 'bein' our star mule.

You see he has give' twelve lectures in the academy each term for the last three years, after studyin' them three winters in New York, each year's lectures different, but all relatin' to our own forests an' their dumb population. That's what he calls 'em.

He dodged hither and thither, and was once brought to a halt by the mounted police. "Here, you! What d'ye mean by runnin' around like this? Lost yer carriage, hey? I've a mind to run ye in. Y' know th' rules relatin' th' leavin' of yer box in times like these. Been takin' a sly nip, probably, an' they've sent yer hack down a peg. Get a gait on y', now."

"Male and female created He them." Another deep instance of that great truth in life and in nature, and in all matters relatin' to the good of the world. "Male and female created He them." The world will find it out after awhile, and so will Dr. Buckley.