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His pause was almost wistful, and he looked at her and studied her with a caressing softness that ran through her in resurgent thrills. "D'ye know, I'd just like you to see me fight some time a real fight, with something doin' every moment. I'd be proud to death to do it for you. An' I'd sure fight some with you lookin' on an' understandin'. That'd be a fight what is, take it from me.

But I tell you what I will do; I'll go down to the Quartermaster and see if he'll issue me a pair of shoes for each of 'em, and charge it to my clothin' account." "Bully idee," ejaculated Shorty. "I'll go you halves. Mebbe if they git their understandin' into Yankee leather it'll help git some Yankee idees into their understandin'. See?"

'Tain't no place a tenderfoot like you kin find yer way back frum; so, as fer as I see, thar ain't nuthin' fer yer to do but just naturally wait till we takes yer back." "I am to be held a prisoner indefinitely?" "I reckon so; not that I knows enything 'bout the programme, miss; but that's 'bout the understandin' that Matt an' I has ain't it, Matt?" The driver turned his head, and nodded.

"I can't chop 'em up no finer than one syllable. But I'll shorten up the dose sufficient for your understandin' to grasp. It's this way: D'you know what a frame-up is?" Endicott nodded. "Well, Choteau County politics is in such a condition of onwee that a hangin' would be a reg'lar tonic for the party that's in; which it's kind of bogged down into an old maid's tea party.

"Well, it's a partner that does no work; but I'm wide-awake for all that, an' have a pretty good notion of what is going on there. Now, lad, if I were to take you in, what would you say to 5 pounds a year?" "It don't sound much, sir," said Willie bluntly, "but if you take me in with the understandin' that I'm to work my way up'ards, I don't mind about the pay at first."

That's what love is, John, for people who grow old just a great, great friendship, and an understandin'." "Come right on to the stoop, Dr. Eaton, and let's set down and cool off. I'm real het up." Drusilla settled down in a big porch rocker and fanned herself with the paper in her hand. "Now let's talk, and you tell me all about it. What did you say that last club was we was to?

"A likely feller, not very tall, but strong an' with a willin' heart, handy with spade an' shovel, understandin' hosses an' mules, an' able to whistle fur you gay an' lively tunes in the evenin', when you're all tired out from the day's work in the richest mine in the world." "No, we don't want any hired man." "Not even the kind I'm tellin' you 'bout?" "Not even that, nor any other."

"Shure, 'tis somethin' kin in baste an' maid, you're manin' thin?" "Quite so, Madame." "Simple like, an' understandin' what Noah understood in that ark av his for talk to the bastes he must have, explainin' what was for thim to do." "Like that, Madame." "Thrue for you, sir, 'tis as you say. There's language more than tongue of man can shpake.

"Well," sais I, "I am a Yankee, and I ain't above ownin' to it, and so are you, but you seem ashamed of your broughtens up, and I must say I don't think you are any great credit to them. Natur, though you don't know it, because you are all for art, does tell you what to do, in a voice so clear you can't help hearing it, and in language so plain you can't help understandin' it.

An' if Elspie'll marry me an' let me belong to her, an' her to me. "'Marry you? says Elspie, understandin' how he'd rilly spoke to her. 'Me? "Eb straightened himself up, an' his eyes was bright an' keen as the edge o' somethin'. "'Yes, you, he says gentle. 'An' me. "An' then she looked at him like he was lookin' at her.