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They were so busy selecting the figures that Oliver thought he could copy, and drawing them upon paper, and then setting about modelling them in clay, that the Redfurns did not prevent their being happy for this day, at least.

"They will not long remain white: and those who broke the glasses will be the more bent upon spoiling your cups, the more pains you spend upon them." "I hope the Redfurns will not happen to hear of them. We need not blab; and the folk who drink the waters go their way, as soon as they have done."

Little George, thinking that everybody was very much frightened, began to roar; and that made Ailwin talk louder still, to comfort him; so that nothing that Mildred said was heard. At last, she pulled Ailwin's apron, so that the tall woman stooped down, to ask what she wanted. "I do not think it is the gipsies," said she. "I am afraid it is worse than that. I am afraid it is the Redfurns.

Mildred, what have you been doing, that you are so out of breath? Have you been running all the way from Lincoln spire?" "No, sir; not running but " "The Redfurns are come, sir," cried Oliver. "Father, the Redfurns are come." "Roger has been peeping over the hedge into the garden," cried Mildred, sinking into tears.

"We shall see what father will do. He won't cry; I am sure of that." Mildred laughed: for she never had seen her father cry. "He was not far off crying yesterday, though," said Oliver, "when he saw your poor hen lying dead. He looked but, O Mildred! What can have become of the Redfurns? We have, been thinking all this while about the bees; and we never once remembered the Redfurns.

After many attempts, it was found that nothing short of proper tools would answer the purpose: and Oliver went to see if his could be reached. Through piles of rubbish, and a puddle of slimy water, he got to the spot where he had left them, hidden behind straw, that the Redfurns might not discover and spoil them.

Ailwin had observed that this never happened but when the Redfurns were in the neighbourhood; and she had always insisted upon it that they had bewitched the cow. Oliver knew that she would say so now. He said so much, and said it so seriously, about the necessity of milk for little George, that he thought not even a Redfurn could have the heart to drink up all the milk.

So they praise His name with a strong heart, though their voices be weak. Morning and night, those mountains echo with hymns; though death, in one form or another, is about the sufferers on every side. "My dear," said Mr Linacre, "let us make no more complaints about the Redfurns. I am ashamed, when I think of our brethren abroad, that we ever let Stephen and Roger put us up to anger.

He would not leave the children again while the Redfurns were in the neighbourhood. He would not have left them to-day, to serve anyone but the pastor; nor to serve even him, if he had not thought he had bespoken sufficient protection. Nothing should take him from home, or his eye off the children, to-morrow, she might depend upon it.

"Let us dress up a figure to look like father, and set him at the mill-window; so that those Redfurns shall not find out that he is away. Won't that be good?" "Put him on the mill-steps. They may not look up at the window." "The mill-steps, then. Where is father's old hat? Put it on the broom there, and see how it looks.