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The same authority also informs us that "he translated the Cyropaedeia of Xenophon, which he dedicated to Alphonso I, King of Naples, from whom he received a very large sum of money for his dedication, even as he dedicated to Pope Nicholas V. his translation of the six books of the historian Diodorus Siculus": "Cyripaediam, quam Xenophon ille scripsit, latinam reddidit, atque Alphonso Regi dedicavit, pro qua a Rege magnam mercedem accepit.

Once again, however, for the last time, he gave the word to the officer of the guard; and, soon after, turning away his face to the wall against which his bed was placed, he passed out of life in the very gentlest sleep, "quasi dormiret, spiritum reddidit;" or, as a Greek author expresses it, kat iso hypno to malakotato.

Valorem huius et 14. homines, reliquis mortuis, reddidit Romadan Bassa Tripolitanus Secretario legati, Edwardo Barten, valore Florenorum 9000. Nomina hominum mancipatorum et viuentium tunc temporis, quando Cæsar illustrissimus, et dominus Orator Chauseum Mahumetem miserunt Algiram. 1 Ante foedus initum in naue Peter de Bristow. Iohn Winter, Robert Barton. 2 In naue Swallow de London. Rich.

We likewise say ex usu, and e Republica; because, in the former case, the preposition is followed by a vowel, and, in the latter, it would have sounded harshly without omitting the consonant; as may also be observed in exegit, edixit, refecit, retulit, and reddidit.

I remember the wolves howling outside his door in the big frost of Ten Fifty-Nine.... Essewelde hundredum nunquam geldum reddidit. "After all," the Grey Cat continued, "atmospere is life. It is the influences under which we live that count in the long run.

Setting down the lantern, he commenced work, and with pious toil engraved on the stone in the Latin of the period: "HAC MAGNUS STULTUS JACET IN FOSSA SEPULTUS. MULIER CUI CREDIDIT MORTUUM ILLUM REDDIDIT." Here he paused, at the end of his strength and of his Latin. "Beshrew my old arms and brains!" he sighed. "Hem!" coughed a deep voice in his vicinity. The monk looked up.