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Dans cette situation si nouvelle, et, je puis dire, sans precedents, je tiens a resserrer les liens de mes vieilles amities, et je tiens particulierement a entretenir mes relations avec la societe anglaise, ce grand centre intellectuel qui recueille et juge les affaires du monde entier.... Je vous prie d'offrir mes hommages a Madame et a Mademoiselle Reeve et de me croire Votre bien affectionne,

Le Jeune, in the Relation of 1657, speaking of the wampum, guns, powder, lead, hatchets, kettles, and other articles which the missionaries were obliged to give to the Indians, at councils and elsewhere, says that these must be bought from the traders with beaver-skins, which are the money of the country; and he adds, "Que si vn Iesuite en recoit ou en recueille quelques-vns pour ayder aux frais immenses qu'il faut faire dans ces Missions si eloignees, et pour gagner ces peuples a Iesus-Christ et les porter a la paix, il seroit a souhaiter que ceux-la mesme qui deuroient faire ces despenses pour la conseruation du pays, ne fussent pas du moins les premiers a condamner le zele de ces Peres, et a les rendre par leurs discours plus noirs que leurs robes."

Then history repeated itself. After the Crimean War, in accordance with Prince Gortchakoff's famous epigram, La Russie ne boude pas elle se recueille, the Government had for some years abandoned an active policy in Europe, and devoted itself to the work of internal reorganisation; whilst the military party had turned their attention to making new acquisitions of territory and influence in Asia.

Prince Gortchakof's saying, "La Russie ne boude pas, elle se recueille," was more than a diplomatic repartee it was a true and graphic statement of the case. Though the Russians are very inflammable, and can be very violent when their patriotic feelings are aroused, they are, individually and as a nation, singularly free from rancour and the spirit of revenge.