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He's as quare as Dick's hat-bant 'at went nine times reawnd an' wouldn't tee. . . . We thought we'd getten a shop for yon lad o' mine t'other day. We yerd ov a chap at Lytham at wanted a lad to tak care o' six jackasses an' a pony. Th' pony were to tak th' quality to Blackpool, and such like.

"Then, th' baillies looked reawnd 'em as sly as a meawse, When they see'd at o'th goods had bin taen eawt o' th' heawse; Says tone chap to tother, 'O's gone, thae may see, Says aw, 'Lads, ne'er fret, for yo're welcome to me! Then they made no moor do, But nipt up wi' owd stoo, An' we both letten thwack upo' th' flags.

Aw connot seigh weel at neet, wi o' th' lamps; an afoor aw geet oop wi' her, hoo's reawnd th' nook, and gwon fro mo seet. Col. G. There are ten thousands girls in London you might take for your own under such circumstances not seeing more than the backs of them. Th. Ten theawsand girls like mo Mattie, saysto? wi'her greight eighes and her lung yure? Puh! Col.

"Neaw, this black Minorca, as aw sed, were a owdish bird, an' maybe knew mooar than aw thowt. Happen it hed laid on a nest wi' a fause bottom afooar, an' were up to th' trick, but whether or not, aw never see a hen luk mooar disgusted i' mi life when it lukked i' th' nest an' see as it hed hed all that trouble fer nowt. "It woked reawnd th' nest as if it couldn't believe its own eyes.

Wheer's th' Sunday-school, chylt? Bill. Second door round the corner, sir. Tho. Second dur reawnd th' corner! Which corner, my man? Bill. Round any corner. Second door's all-ways Sunday-school. THOMAS sits down on a door-step. Tho. Eh, but aw be main weary! Surely th' Lord dunnot be a forsakin' ov mo. There's that abeawt th' lost ship.

Well; I was beginnin' to tell 'em plain an' straight-forrud what I would have done, when one o' these three sheawted out to th' whole lot, "Here, chaps, come an' gether reawnd th' devil. Let's yer what he's for!" 'Well, said I, 'come on, an' you shall yer, for aw felt cawmer just then, than I did when it were o'er.

Aw're only a bit stonned, like. Aw'll be o' reet in a smo' bit. Aw dunnot want no doctor. Aw'm a coomin' reawnd. Ger. Neither of you shall stir to-night. Your rooms will be ready in a few minutes. Mat. Thank you, sir! I don't know what I should have done with him. Susan, you wouldn't mind going home without me? You know Miss Lacordere Ger. Miss Lacordere! What do you know of her? Mat. Oh, dear!

Perhaps he's in the house. Did you leave the door open, sir? Tho. Nay. Th' dur wur oppen. Aw seigh sombory run eawt as aw coom oop. Col. G. My boy! my boy! It will kill him! Stop here till I come back. Tho. Aw connot stop. Aw'm tired enough, God knows, to stop anywheeres; mo yed goes reawnd and reawnd, an' aw'd fain lie mo deawn.

"But it dudn't do as aw expected. Aw expected as it 'ud sit deawn ageean an' lay another. "But it just gi'e one wonderin' sooart o' chuck, an then, after a long stare reawnd th' hen-coyt, it woked eawt, as mad a hen as aw've ever sin. Aw fun' eawt after, what th' long stare meant. It were tekkin' farewell! For if yo'll believe me that hen never laid another egg i' ony o' my nests.

Then t' baileys leuked reawnd as sloy as a meawse, When they seed as aw t' goods were ta'en eawt o' t' heawse; Says one chap to th' tother, "Aws gone, theaw may see"; Says oi, "Ne'er freet, mon, yeaur welcome ta' me." They made no moor ado But whopped up th' eawd stoo', An' we booath leet, whack upo' t' flags