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"Just behind," he answered. "Let me place Miss Bartlett in the car." That sounded reasonable. "Lift her in here, poor thing," said Polly, making way for the almost inanimate form. "No; on the front seat." "But why? This is the best place oh, help, help!" For Voles, having placed Winifred beside the steering-pillar, seized Polly and flung her headlong onto the grass beneath the wall.

McDonald whispered that he thought the one in the south end might be the biggest, and he might be feeding, and the two others might be young bulls, and they might be keeping away because they were afraid of the big one. This seemed reasonable; and I said that I was going to crawl around the meadow to the south end. 'Keep near a tree, says Mac; and I started.

The Benson had risen and was eager for her turn, but Mrs. Egerton implored that she might have once again a taste of these more than heavenly joys while both pricks were still engulfed within her and thus avoid the pain of entrance. This was so reasonable that the Benson yielded with a good grace.

I do not mean to say that they cannot be got along the road; but I regard it no driving worthy of the name when a driver cannot get his team to any place where he may desire to go in a reasonable time and this he cannot do with unbroken mules. With green or unbroken mules, you must chase or herd them along without the whip, until you get them to know that you want them to pull in a wagon.

To make it so is a task of complex detail and essentially executive in its nature; probably no legislative body, no matter how wise and able, could undertake it with reasonable prospect of success.

This difficulty, although of a nature no doubt to act very forcibly, will be found, I think, upon reflection to reside more in our habits of apprehension than in the subject: and that the giving way to it, when we have any reasonable grounds or the contrary, is rather an indulging of the imagination than anything else.

He appeared to be much pleased with this information, and the whole party being now in excellent temper after their repast, we began our purchase of horses. We soon obtained five very good ones, on very reasonable terms that is, by giving for each horse merchandise which cost us originally about $6.

In the same manner, if the particles, which compose an animal muscle, do not touch each other in the relaxed state of the muscle, and are brought into contact during the contraction of the muscle, it is reasonable to conclude, that some other agent is the cause of this new approximation.

They afford us evidence of the bewilderment which beset Congress as well as the outside public, and not so much the absence of reasonable political principles as the absence of a simple and direct political will, which would resolutely insist that recognized principles and existing laws should be respected and obeyed.

Then, when the pair didn't turn up, she guesses that the meeting is off for some reason or another, but obviously her friendship for Brenda to say nothing of loyalty to her brother would make her conceal the fact of the proposed assignation from us. Would you call that being 'double-faced'? I shouldn't." "Oh! yes; it's all very reasonable," I agreed petulantly.