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The rate of expansion in construction has broken all records. In the coming year the number of dwelling units built will approach, if not surpass, the top construction year of 1926. The primary responsibility to deliver housing at reasonable prices that veterans can afford rests with private industry and with labor.

"Da ist's auf einmal farbig helle, Geschicht' und Zierath glaenzt in Schnelle." With the same feeling he says elsewhere in prose, that "there is a destructive criticism and a productive. Productive criticism is a great deal more difficult; it asks, What did the author propose to himself? Is what he proposes reasonable and comprehensible? and how far has he succeeded in carrying it out?"

The rent is sixty dollars a year, as I suppose Bill Harmon told you when he sent you mother's check for fifteen dollars for the first quarter. We think it is very reasonable, and do not wonder you don't like to spend anything on repairs or improvements for us, as you have to pay taxes and insurance.

When Quakers found that its more reasonable tenets could be held, and find a certain amount of sympathy within the Church, it quickly began to lose its strength. A remark of Boswell's in 1776, that many a man was a Quaker without his knowing it, could scarcely have been made in the corresponding year of the previous century.

"I'm not disputing er your point of view, nor your sincerity. But I do wish you would give me another proof or two." "You haven't had enough?" "Oh! I suppose I have if I were reasonable. But, you know, it all seems to me as if you suddenly demonstrated to me that twice two made five." "But then, surely no proof " "Yes; I know. I quite see that. Yet I want one something quite absolutely ordinary.

One way of acting in every emergency is reasonable, and the other is not. One way will benefit mankind, and the other will not. It is a pestilent doctrine and a denial of all virtue, to say that we have a right to do what we will with our own. Everything we possess has a destination prescribed to it by the immutable voice of reason and justice. Duties and rights are correlative.

Is it characteristic of a free state or a tyranny? One of the first and highest duties that falls to the lot of a human creature, is that which he owes to the aggregate of reasonable beings inhabiting what he calls his country.

What grim old Jackson left half healed, he will complete the cure of. Ah, Miss Harz, I had hoped to flesh my sword in a nobler cause!" I knew what he meant. That dream of nullification was still uppermost in his soul dispersed, as it was, in the eyes of all reasonable men. I shook my head.

"The more he suffers, the more averse he will be to me, having made me the principal representative of the great occasion of his suffering." I could not help adding, "So unreasonably!" "Ah, Dame Trot, Dame Trot," returned my guardian, "what shall we find reasonable in Jarndyce and Jarndyce!

Some reinforcements of continental troops had arrived from Peekskill, and the militia had been assembled; but his strength did not yet afford a reasonable prospect of success in a contest with the enemy opposed to him. On this account, as Burgoyne approached fort Edward, Schuyler retired over the Hudson to Saratoga, and soon afterwards to Stillwater, not far from the mouth of the Mohawk.