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Mis' Scattergood never had no use for them Druggs. She said they was dreamers and never did amount to nothin'. Mis' Scattergood's allus been re'l masterful." Janice nodded. She could imagine that the bird-like old lady she had met on the boat could be quite assertive if she so chose. "Anyhow," said Aunt 'Mira, reflectively, "Hopewell stopped shinin' about 'Rill all of a sudden.

All I got to do is to think of something re'l mis'rable like the time our old brahma hen, Beauty, got bit by Esek Coe's dog, and ma had to saw her up. Then the tears'll squeeze right out, just as ea'sy!" Louise thought laughter would overcome her "just as easy" despite the day and place. She knew a hearty burst of laughter in the church edifice would amaze and shock the lingering congregation.

"Ain't he the most beautiful talker you ever heard?" he asked. "Me an' him hev our little spats, but it's a re'l pleasure to hear him fetch out reasons an' prove that the thing that ain't is, an' the thing that is ain't. That's what I call a mighty smart man.

I seen a pattern in the fashion sheet of the Fireside Love Letter that was re'l sweet." "What's eatin' on you, Maw?" demanded her son gruffly. "Whatcher wanter talk that way for right in front of Janice? I reckon we won't none of us put on crêpe for Uncle Brocky yet awhile," he added, stoutly. On Monday arrived another letter from Mr. Broxton Day.

"But I couldn't sabe de goose from bein' sp'ilt. Dat was beyon' my powah. An' it happen disher way: "De yaller gal git de goose all stuffed an' fixed propah, fo' she done use my mammy's resate fo' stuffin'. But de no-'count critter set it right down in de roastin' pan on de flo' by de po'ch door. Eroun' come snuffin' a lean houn' dawg, one ob de re'l ol' 'nebber-git enuff' breed.

"Says his name's Bodfish young lout! I took pity on him when I saw him in that crimp-shop. He had spent a pocketful of money, or had it stolen. I suppose he is the fellow that represented himself as you at the consulate," said Captain Rogers. "Paul Downes!" "Like enough. Of course, I didn't suppose Bodfish was his re'l name. But he was an American and a boy.

Anscomb told me what I'd have to do in the picture. "Land sakes! I can cry re'l tears with the best of 'em you see if I can't, Miss Grayling. You ought to be a movie actress yourself. It don't seem just right that you ain't." "But I fear I could not weep real tears," Louise said. "No. Mebbe not. That's a gift, I guess," Gusty agreed. "There! I got to go now. He's callin' me.

When it comes to bein' of main use in the world Wal, it ain't gals thet makes the wheels go 'round! "And don't you really think, Uncle, that girls are any use in the world?" asked Ruth, quietly. "Ha!" ejaculated Jabez. Perhaps he had not intended Ruth to hear just that. "They're like flowers, I reckon mighty purty an' ornamental; but they ain't no manner o' re'l use!"

No, sir, they jest spend all the time between naps hatin', an' they fall asleep ag'in, with a hate on thar lips an in' thar hearts." "You're talkin' re'l po'try an' truth at the same time, Sol," said Long Jim. "It's cur'ous how people hate them that kin do things better than theirselves.

I ain't superstitious myself. I'm only telling you what happened. "Dunno why that bird boarded us. Mebbe he was hurt some way. Mebbe 'twas fate. But he swooped right inboard, his wing brushing the men at the wheel. Almost knocked one o' them down. He was a Portugee man named Tony Spadello and he had a re'l quick temper. "Tony had his knife out in a flash and jumped for the creature.