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The game ain't like it was once, 'n' if you try to pull the stuff that got by thirty years ago, they'll trim you right down to the suspenders. They ain't nothin' crooked about slippin' the hop into a hoss that needs it. "'As neahly as I can follow yoh fohm of speech, says ole man Sanford, 'you intend to convey the impression that the practise of stimulating a hawss has become entirely propah.

"Surest thing you know," drawled Jack Slate. "But there are ladies here, a thing you don't seem to realize. If you'll step outside, I'd be glad to whip you right and propah." "What's the use, Jack, of fussing with these rowdies?" said Ted. "Let it go until some other time." "You bet," said Creviss, courage returning when he heard Ted propose peace. "I guess you'd like to let it go forever."

Marse Hunt had no use fo' ovahseeahs, fact is he 'spise 'em. De oldah men guided de young ones in deir labors. The poor white neighbahs wurn't 'lowed to live very close to de plantashun as Marse Hunt wanted de culured slave chilluns to be raised in propah mannah." "I duzn't know how many acres in de plantashun. Deir wuz only 'bout three or fo' cabins on de place.

"But I couldn't sabe de goose from bein' sp'ilt. Dat was beyon' my powah. An' it happen disher way: "De yaller gal git de goose all stuffed an' fixed propah, fo' she done use my mammy's resate fo' stuffin'. But de no-'count critter set it right down in de roastin' pan on de flo' by de po'ch door. Eroun' come snuffin' a lean houn' dawg, one ob de re'l ol' 'nebber-git enuff' breed.

This unique proceeding on Cookie's part necessarily awoke the interest both of the recovered Cuthbert Vane, just emerging after his prolonged slumbers, and of the trio who had that moment returned from the woods. Importuned for an explanation, Cookie arose from his devotional posture and put the portentous query: "Mistah Vane, sah, be dey any propah coffin-wood on dis yere island?"

Gregg, half sighing, "we were young once, eh, Judge? young once ouhselves." "Lucky dog!" said the judge; "lucky dog! But he seems a gentleman, and if he has propah fam'ly an' propah resources, it may be, yessah, it may be she's lucky, too. Oh, Northehn, yessah, I admit it. But what would you expeck, sah, in these times? I'm told theh are some vehy fine people in the No'th."

"All of us are going, Alfredia," proclaimed Tess. "Are you going?" "Mammy done said I could," said Alfredia, rolling her eyes. "But I dunno fo' sho'." "Why don't you know?" asked Agnes, the curious. "Dunno as I got propah clo'es to wear, honey. Got ter look mighty fetchin' ter go ter school ya-as'm!" "Is that why you've got that great bow on your head?" giggled Agnes.

Not in a boastful manner, suh, but with propah humility, let me say that I had the honor to breed and raise Sweet Alice, and that she bore my colors when she won the tenth renewal of our great classic. "He tells this to everybody that comes past the stalls, 'n' it ain't long till he begins to bring people around to look the mare over. From that he gets to watchin' how the swipes take care of her.

"Now, Miss Lu," she said, "dat's not de propah way fo' you to talk 'bout dis t'ing; kase dat pony b'longs to Miss Rosie, an' co'se she hab de right to ride him befo' anybody else."

Before they were through eating somebody called for sis' Sheba to come quick, that Aunt Susan was having one of her old spells. "Like enough I won't get back for a good while," said Mammy, as she hurriedly left the table. "Put Ivy to bed as soon as you wash her face, John Jay, an' go yo'self when the propah time comes. Be a good boy now, and don't forget to close the doah tight when you go in."