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The crowd gave way before us, and Ayisha thrust herself this and that way among them, breaking up groups, striking me over the wrist with the stick she had for flogging the camel because I tried to regain the rifle. By the time the rusty, creaking, groaning rattletrap of a train drew up there was not an element of cohesion left in the crowd.

At this Katie threw up her eyes, clasped her hands, and exclaimed, "Oh, how perfectly exquisite! how utterly delicious! how quite too awfully jolly! But when? where? Oh, do go on!" "It was aboard the steamer from Marseilles to Leghorn. During the night after leaving a furious storm arose. The steamer was an old rattletrap, and soon began to leak fearfully.

She put her head out of her side of the carryall, and drank them in with her lungs and eyes. When she leaned back again on the seat she said, "I can't get enough of it." "But isn't this old rattletrap rather too rough for you?" he asked. "Oh no," she said, visiting him with a furtive turn of her eyes. "It's quite ideally what invalids in easy circumstances are advised to take carriage exercise."

"Just let a stiff nip of winter come, and the woman yonder and the little critter, they'd freeze, that's what they'd do, in that old rattletrap." The men looked at one another in solemn assent.

The farmer's rattletrap of a car, in spite of its appearance, was not far behind Ned's runabout, and in a comparatively short time all were within sight of the ruined place a ruin made more complete by the passage through it of Tom Swift's war tank. "And to think of his being there all this while!" exclaimed Mr. Damon, as he and Ned leaped from their machine.

"Afte' I lef' Mr. Lampton I'se come here an' went to work fer Mr. Enoch at Fernwood when his mill was jes a old rattletrap of a mill. I work fer him 45 years. At fust I hauled timber out'n de woods an' afte' whil'st I hauled lumber to town to build houses. I sometimes collec' fer de lumber but I niver lost one nickle, an' dem white folks says I sho' was a honest nigger.

"It almost looks as though you were running away from something." He stopped for no further comment but went jingling off in his rattletrap cart, the cloud of dust raised by his old horse's clumsy feet hanging long in the air behind him. Oliver plodded forward, muttering dark threats against the disagreeable stranger, and wishing that he had been sufficiently quick of speech to contradict him.

"So we did," he chuckled; "and we walked right past them, in high, while Burton was fussing with his gear shift. Give our little engine a fair go at a hill, my dear " "I am not in the least interested in engines, sir. I am only mortified beyond words." She had words a-plenty, however. "Isn't it bad enough for you to drive your little rattletrap to college and get into the paper about it?

Here appeared the deus ex machina, Charles Homans, Beverly Light Guard, Company E, Eighth Massachusetts Regiment. That is the man, name and titles in full, and he deserves well of his country. He took a quiet squint at the engine, it was as helpless as a boned turkey, and he found "Charles Homans, his mark," written all over it. The old rattletrap was an old friend.

I was lumbering along in my chariot, feeling most uncomfortable under the eyes of my friends; for one foot of my machine had a loose link, and 'twas flapping absurdly. And I liked it none too well when Maka stopped his own rattletrap in front of mine, and came running to my window. Next moment I forgot his impertinence.