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It was a pleasant and joyful ramble to them all; but Edward was well tired when they reached home. The next day Edward and his parents started for home. He was sorry to leave his cousins, but he began to wish to see his brothers and sisters once more. It was a pleasant morning, and Mr. Jones decided to take a different route from the one they had traveled before.

But I must hasten on; for, as I have said, if I am to accomplish even a part of my purpose, I have no time wherein to linger. Not long ago I chanced, in a country ramble, to be conversing with an eminent foreigner, known, and favorably known, to all Americans.

The next day, June 15, was spent by the whole scientific party in a ramble on shore. The landing was at the foot of a ravine. Climbing its left bank, they were led by a short walk to the edge of a large crater, which held a beautiful lake in its cup. It was, in fact, a crater within a crater, for a second one, equally symmetrical, rose outside and above it.

I expected every instant to be called to the table of Lucullus hard by, in one of the porticoes, and to stretch myself on his purple triclinias; but waiting in vain for a summons till the approach of night, I returned delighted with a ramble that had led me so far into antiquity. Friday, September 16th. My impatience to hear Pacchierotti called me up with the sun.

She is reading aloud to me: "'I wish the good old times would come again, she said, 'when we were not quite so rich. I do not mean that I want to be poor, but there was a middle state' so she was pleased to ramble on 'in which, I am sure, we were a great deal happier." Her eyes left the familiar page, wandering far away beyond the fire.

As John Forster has told us, the great novelist loved this old chop-house, and, after a ramble on the Heath, often adjourned here for a good, wholesome dinner. This young girl to whom a touching interest attached from her being so prematurely cut off was a most interesting creature, one of three sisters, daughters of Mr.

We had to take particular care to protect our hands and legs from their attacks: and for this purpose each one had provided himself with a short stout club. The noise they continued to make during our ramble through their territories the sailors said was, "Cover 'em up, cover 'em up."

"There you go again, Tom; you ask me the abstract question, `What do you mean by enjoying life? and when I reply, you object to the answer as not being applicable to the present case. Of course, it is not. I did not intend it to be. The good I mean to do in my present ramble is chiefly, if not solely, to my own body and mind " "Stop, my dear fellow," interrupted Tom, "don't become energetic!

As for their knives, he could trust to his own active limbs and the woods to escape and give the alarm if need be. "The Pale-faces hunt very late," he said, with a malicious grin. "Do they love the dark better than the sunshine?" "Not so," replied Joe, coolly; "but we love to walk by the light of the moon. It will be up in less than an hour, and we mean to take a long ramble to-night."

These little preliminaries over, they continued their ramble through the house, going through tortuous passages, up and down little flights of steps, and entering chambers that had all the charm of discoveries of hidden regions; loitering about, in short, in a labyrinth calculated to put the head into a delightful confusion.