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Rainouart went back to the kitchen and slept soundly, but as he had drunk much wine the cooks and scullions thought to play jokes upon him, and lighted some wooden shavings with which to burn his moustache. At the first touch of the flame Rainouart leapt to his feet, seized the head cook by his legs, flung him on to the blazing fire, and turned for another victim, but they had all fled.

With William one has to bear pains without end, and at the last to die suffering. Come with us, if you are a wise man. 'Ask someone else, said Rainouart; 'Count William has given me the command of the army, and it is to him that I have to render account. Do you think I shall let you run away like hares?

'Sir, said Aimeri, the man whom the Saracens most dreaded, 'who is it that I see standing there holding a piece of wood that five peasants could hardly lift? Does he mean to murder us? 'That youth, replied William, 'is a gift to me from King Louis. None living is as strong as he. Then Aimeri called Rainouart, and bade him sit at his side, and eat and drink as he would.

'Peace! my daughter, answered the Queen, 'I hope indeed that he may never more return to Laon. But Alix took no heed of her mother's words, but signed to Rainouart to draw near. Then Alix put her arms round his neck, and said, 'Brother, you have been a long time at Court, and now you are going to fight under my uncle's banner.

He laid about him right and left with his staff, till he had slain all the gaolers, and at last he came to a young man whose eyes were bandaged and his feet tied together. 'Who are you? asked Rainouart. 'I am Bertrand of France, nephew of William Short Nose.

When Alix saw Rainouart stepping proudly along with his heavy staff on his shoulder her heart stirred, and she said to her mother, 'See, what a goodly young man! In the whole army there is not one like him! Let me bid him farewell, for nevermore shall I see his match.

And when the embassy returned Alix returned with it, and the marriage took place with great splendour; but to the end of his life, whenever Rainouart felt cold, he warmed himself in the kitchen. Far up to the north of Norway and Sweden, looking straight at the Pole, lies the country of Finmark.

There was great joy in Orange when William rode through the gates with Rainouart beside him, and the next day the Count made him his Seneschal, and he was baptized. Then William sent his brothers on an embassy to the King in Paris, to beg that he would bestow the hand of Princess Alix on Rainouart, son of King Desramé and brother of Lady Gibourc.

Rainouart and his cowards pressed on and on, and the Saracens fell back, step by step, till they reached the sea, where their ships were anchored. Then Rainouart drove his staff in the sand, and by its help swung himself on board a small vessel, which happened to be the very one in which the nephews of William were imprisoned.

Likewise a helmet of steel and a sword that could cut through iron more easily than a scythe cuts grass. 'My friend, she said, 'buckle this sword to your left side. It may be useful to you. Rainouart took the sword and drew it from its scabbard, but it seemed so light that he threw it down again. 'Lady, he cried, 'what good can such a plaything do me?