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But with my staff between my hands there is not a Pagan that can stand up against me, and if one escapes then let Count William drive me from his door. At this Gibourc felt sure this was indeed her brother, but she did not yet like to ask him more questions, and in her joy and wonder she began to weep. 'Lady Countess, said Rainouart, 'do not weep.

At daybreak they went to William to complain of the death of their chief, and to pray for vengeance on his murderer. If the Count would not forbid him the kitchen, not a morsel of food would they cook. But William only laughed at their threats, and said, 'Beware henceforth how you meddle with Rainouart, or it will cost you dear.

Followed by his troop of cowards Rainouart made straight for the enemy, and before him they fell as corn before a sickle. 'Strike, soldiers, shouted he; 'strike and avenge the noble Vivian; woe to the King Desramé if he crosses my path. And a messenger came and said to Desramé, 'It is Rainouart with the iron staff, the strongest man in the world.

But something stirred the pulses of Gibourc, and she soon sat up again, and there at the gate was William the Count, with Rainouart behind him. 'Fear nothing, noble lady, said he, 'it is the army of France that I have brought with me.

Suddenly his hand touched the sword buckled on him by Gibourc, which he had forgotten, and he drew it from its scabbard, and with three blows clove the heads of the giants in twain. Meanwhile King Desramé took refuge in the only ship that had not been sunk by the Christians, and spread its sails. 'Come back whenever you like, fair father, called Rainouart after him.

'Who are you? asked Desramé, struck by his face, for there was nothing royal in his dress or his arms. 'I am Rainouart, vassal of William whom I love, and if you do hurt to him I will do hurt to you also.

'Let me aid you, said Rainouart, and catching it up he whirled it round his head, throwing it lightly from hand to hand. 'We are wasting time, he went on. 'I fear lest the Pagans should fly before we come up with them.

William entered into his Palace, where a great feast was spread for the visitors, but one man only remained outside the walls, and that was Rainouart, of whom no one thought in the hour of triumph. His heart swelled with bitterness as he thought of the blows he had given, and the captives he had set free, and, weeping with anger, he turned his face towards the Aliscans.

'Oh, wretch that I am, said Rainouart to himself, 'I have slain my brothers and wounded my father it is my staff which has done all this evil, and he flung it far from him. He would have been wiser to have kept it, for in a moment three giants surrounded him, and he had only his fists with which to beat them back.

The rest, eager to avenge their comrades' death, prepared to overcome him with numbers, and in spite of his strength it might have gone ill with Rainouart had not Aimeri de Narbonne, hearing the noise, forbade more brawling. Count William was told of the unseemly scuffle, and asked the King who and what the young man was who could keep at bay so many of his fellows.