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Records were broken in every department, the railroad groaned beneath its burden, the giant human machine was strained to its fullest efficiency. Young Anthony mastered the details of his work very rapidly, for railroading had been bred into him. He needed little help from Runnels, and soon began to feel a conscious grasp of affairs as surprising to himself as to his chief.

The smile died away, and an angry red tinged Jimmie Dale's cheeks he was picturing again that scene in Klanner's room, the bestial deviltry of that deformed and hideous creature who, to cover up his own guilt, was railroading an innocent man to death. "Unto Caesar!" yes, there was grim justice here but that was not enough!

You will start in with the P. R. R., Mr. Anthony, under my despotic sway." "I know a little about railroading." "So much the better. There's a big railroad man by your name in the States. Are you related?" "I believe so," Kirk answered, quietly. "Go ahead with the lesson."

These are the essential elements in all electric railroading of the present day; but while Edison's original broad ideas are embodied in present practice, the perfection of the modern electric railway is greatly due to the labors and inventions of a large number of other well-known inventors.

The total of railway capital was 11,034 millions in 1899 and 20,247 millions in 1914. Manufacturing and railroading alone secured a capital outlay of over 20 billions in 15 years. Some idea of the increase in investments may be gained from the amount of new stocks and bonds listed annually on the New York Stock Exchange.

Of these leaders Frank P. Sargent served from 1886 until 1892, when he was appointed Commissioner General of Immigration by President Roosevelt. Since 1909, William S. Carter has been president of the Brotherhood. Born in Texas in 1859, he began railroading at nineteen years of age and served in turn as fireman, baggageman, and engineer.

A new world seemed to open out before him in which aspirations, ambitions, longings all were a reality. A key! That was real railroading, the top-notch of railroading, too. First an operator, and then a dispatcher, and and and then his face fell, and the vision faded. "How'd I get a chance to learn?" he said miserably. "Who'd teach me?"

Then he began to talk of great railroad projects and rich mines, and kept it up in a rapid, yet rambling, manner, apparently explaining fully, but actually making no explanation at all. All that Dade could get from his talk was that the business involved mighty projects in railroading and mining, and that all concerned in carrying the things through would reap rich rewards.

He must have a consuming contempt for the ignorant, complacent asses that go skurrying about the world in these railroading days and call it traveling. When the guide pointed out where the Wandering Jew had left his familiar mark upon a wall, I was filled with astonishment. It read: "S. T. 1860 X." All I have revealed about the Wandering Jew can be amply proven by reference to our guide.

He talked of their first meeting in Wisconsin; of the happiness of their little courtship; he brought up California again, and the Northwest coast, where, he told her, a great railroad was to be built and he should find the chance he needed to make a record for himself it had been promised him a chance to be the man his abilities entitled him to be in railroading.