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Says to back up everything to Tollifer, including the plows, and give up the ghost." "Give it up?" Houston stared blankly at the telegrapher. "But that's not railroading!" "It is when you're with a concern that's all but broke," answered the operator. "It's cheaper for this old wooden-axle outfit to quit than to go on fighting " "That mean six weeks eef this storm keep up two days longer!"

He must have a consuming contempt for the ignorant, complacent asses that go skurrying about the world in these railroading days and call it traveling. When the guide pointed out where the Wandering Jew had left his familiar mark upon a wall, I was filled with astonishment. It read: "S. T. 1860 X." All I have revealed about the Wandering Jew can be amply proven by reference to our guide.

"I think those letters and papers prove it," answered the boy. "Now, do we get that loco?" "I reckon so, if you say so. But, will you sign a paper, releasing me of responsibility?" With what speed that paper was signed, may be imagined. In the meantime, Buck Bradley, who knew a thing or two about railroading himself, had his coat off, and was hard at work waking up the banked fires.

He got himself more in hand. "Think a minute. You know me well, chief. And you, Mr. Fulton, you're no child to be bamboozled and turned into a laughing stock by a detective who finds himself without a case a pseudo expert on crime who tries to work the age-old trick of railroading a man guilty of a less offense!" "This is no place for an argument of the case," Braceway said crisply. "Mr.

His interest was never in the stock market nor in the speculative side of railroading but was concentrated entirely on the development and operation of the Pennsylvania Railroad system.

"When all the people live the ideal life, I'll live it; but until then I'm only one of the great many strugglers." Besides, he felt that in missing university training he had dropped something out of his life. Now he would go to Germany and see for himself what he had missed. While railroading he had saved up nearly four hundred pounds.

"You are a clever fellow, Quib," he acknowledged good-naturedly, "but in some ways you are ahead of your time. You ought to have gone into life insurance or railroading. Your genius is wasted on anything that ain't done wholesale. Let's you and me just stick to such clients as come our way in the natural course of events.

Each of these ramifies into many branches: business into manual occupations, executive positions, bookkeeping, railroading, banking, agriculture, trade and commerce, etc., and so with each of the others. An ideal education would then supply the means of meeting these separate and pigeon-holed interests.

We unconsciously demand of our writers the same dash and the same accuracy which we demand in railroading or dry-goods-jobbing.

He had it all now ALL! She had been right there was need to-night for the Gray Seal. So that was the game, inhuman, hellish, the whole of it, to the last filthy dregs Connie Myers, to protect himself, was railroading an innocent man to death for the crime that he himself had committed! There was a cold smile on Jimmie Dale's lips now, as he took his automatic from his pocket.