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"A dog?" von Schlichten almost shouted. The other officers echoed him. "Why, yes...." Paula Quinton's eyes widened. "But there are no dogs on Ullr, except a few owned by Terrans. And wasn't there something about ...?" Von Schlichten had the radio-phone and was calling the command car at the scene of the riot. The sergeant-driver answered.

Nelsen looked out from his sundeck, and saw dangerous contrasts. The worst, perhaps, was a spherical bubble of stellene. Inside it was a great globe of water surrounded by air a colossal dewdrop. Within it, a man and two small boys no doubt father and sons from Pallastown, were swimming, horsing around, having a swell time only a few feet from nothing. Nelsen spoke softly into his radio-phone.

A Terran captain of native infantry came over, saluting. "Are you and your people all right, general?" he asked. Von Schlichten glanced at the front seat of his car, where Harry Quong, a pistol in his right hand, was still talking into the radio-phone, and Hassan Bogdanoff was putting fresh belts into his guns. Then he saw that they had gotten the wounded man into the car.

With a cry of agony, Kendall ripped the radio-phone connection out of his suit. A soft hiss of leaking air warned him of too great violence only minutes later. For his ears had been deafened by the sudden shriek of a tremendous signal from outside! Instantly Kendall knew what that meant. And he could not communicate with his men!