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But he had got kinder mad and when I told him in a solemn tone, "Josiah Allen, you know you can't take any of your property with you when you die," he snapped out, "I don't know whether I can or not; it won't be as you say about it." "Well," sez I, in lofty axents and quotin' Skripter, "there is only one way you can take your property with you, and that is to send it on before you.

I told Elijah what she said an' he said for the Lord's sake to tell Mrs. Macy as her toes was hereafter perfectly safe from all his treads. I told her, but she says he need n't think quotin' from poets is goin' to inspire faith in him in her very soon again. She says over in Meadville it's town talk as Elijah Doxey is havin' just a box of monkeys' fun with us." "Do you " cried Mrs.

"They've got a romantic history too, though a short one, an' are set like a gem on the bosom of the deep blue sea " "Come, father, you're drifting out of your true course that's poetical!" "I know it, lad, but I'm only quotin' your mother.

The mester was richt stern when he heard o' that, quotin' frae Scripture in a solemn wy 'at abashed the masons, but he said 'at in his opeenion there was a bairn buried on the farm, an' till it was found the cradle would go on rockin'. After that the masons dug in a lot o' places lookin' for the body, an' they found some queer things, too, but never nae sign o' a murdered litlin'. Ay, I dinna ken what would hae happened if the commotion had gaen on muckle langer.

And my pardner when I tried to roust up his interest and admiration by quotin' the remark so often made: "See Naples and die." He said he wouldn't do any such thing, not if he could keep alive. "But," sez he, "more'n as likely as not the vile Italian cookin' will be too much for me and your prophecy may come true; I may see Naples and die from starvation."

"It's the meek that shall inherit, ye want to remember that!" croaked Mrs. Luce. "And the crowned heads and the high and mighty where will they be then?" "They won't be found usin' a stolen cook-stove and quotin' Scriptur'," snorted the Cap'n in disgust. "It ain't been stole," insisted Mr. Luce.

It may pay HIM to be runnin' me as his particular friend, to be quotin' me here and there, to be gettin' credit of knowin' me and my friends and ownin' me by Gosh! but I don't see where the benefit to ME comes in. Eh? Take your own case down there at Eureka Gulch; didn't he send for me just to show me up to you fellers? Did I want to have anything to do with the Eureka Company?

"Rank is only the E pluribus Unum stamp, on the trade dollar: a feller is a feller for all that." But I'll be hanged if he didn't, after all my expenditure of wind and eloquence, and quotin' poetry, and every thing if he didn't turn round at the foot of that doorstep, and strikin' that same patient, determined attitude of hisen, say, says he, "You are mistaken, mom.

"Lysander Sproul, and you a father! This comes of consortin' with the ungodly, and settin' in the chair of the scorner." "Oh, come now, Minervy, I was only quotin'." Lysander's eye twinkled, but he spoke contritely, with generous consideration for his wife's condition, which was imminently delicate. "Oh, you're hystericky, Minervy. You'd best go to bed," observed her mother.

Seems as if I could hear him laugh now. Ah, hum!... But there, let's get under way again or you'll go to sleep before the ship makes port. I declare, that was father's word, too, I'm always quotin' him.... Let me see.... Oh, yes.... When father said that about the one hundred and fifty shares controllin' Cap'n Jethro looked at Raish and Raish looked at him.