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Lascelles, for the major did marry her; in the second place, Major Lascelles is dead." "And how do you know?" inquired Quinby, with a touch of genuine surprise to mitigate an insolent disbelief. "You forget," said I, "that it was in India I knew your own informant. I can only say that my information in all this matter is a good deal better than his. I knew Mrs.

Quin's downstairs, and he says can you come to the steps a minute he's got something to show you?" Or Miss Isobel would pause on the threshold to say: "Quinby is looking for you, Eleanor. I think it is something about a new tire for your automobile."

I selected for the field the Thirteenth New York, Colonel Quinby; the Sixty-ninth New York, Colonel Corcoran; the Seventy-ninth New York, Colonel Cameron; and the Second Wisconsin, Lieutenant- Colonel Peck. These were all good, strong, volunteer regiments, pretty well commanded; and I had reason to believe that I had one of the best brigades in the whole army.

At this Quinby burst out, with an unrestrained heat that did not lower him in my estimation, though the whole of his tirade was directed exclusively against me. I had been talking "at" him, he declared. I might as well have been straightforward while I was about it. He, for his part, was not afraid to take the responsibility for anything he might have said. It was perfectly true, to begin with.

And I still consider that a charitable view of his behaviour; but Quinby was of another opinion, which he expressed with his offensive little laugh as he lifted his long body from the settee. "This is what one gets for securing a room for a man one doesn't know!" said he. "On the contrary," I retorted, "I haven't forgotten that, and I have saved you something because of it.

The very thought of Quinby Graham presenting himself as a caller, and the comments that would follow made Eleanor shy away from the subject in alarm. "Oh, you'll be on the other side of the world by the time I get back," she said lightly. "Not me. Not if there's a chance of seeing you again."

Accordingly Fort Pemberton was revisited by our troops; but an inspection was sufficient this time without an attack. Quinby, with his command, returned with but little delay. In the meantime I was much exercised for the safety of Ross, not knowing that Quinby had been able to join him.

Quinby made room for me beside him, with a civility which might have caused me some compunction, but I repaid him by coming promptly to my point. "What's this report about Mrs. Lascelles?"

Michigan has also left her mark in journalism, from Liberty E. Holden, '58, editor and publisher of the Cleveland Plain Dealer and William E. Quinby, of the same class, of the old Detroit Free Press, to Edward S. Beck, '93, managing editor of the Chicago Tribune, S. Beach Conger, '00, who was in charge of the European service of the Associated Press during the Great War, Paul Scott Mowrer, a one-time member of the class of '09, who was the Paris representative of the Chicago Daily News, and Karl Harriman, '98, editor of the Ladies Home Journal and author of "Ann Arbor Tales," .

Every Saturday, when Quinby Graham stopped on his way to the bank with various papers for her to sign, he was plied with questions and intrusted with various commissions. A top sergeant was evidently just what Madam had been looking for all her life one trained to receive orders and execute them.