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"I want you two men to come with me. Something odd has happened, and General Quinby and I want two witnesses as to what went on." "What happened, sir?" one of them asked. "Don't know for sure," MacMaine said in a puzzled voice. "The general and I were talking to the prisoner, when all of a sudden he fell over. I think he's dead. I couldn't find a heartbeat.

"I wish you had left it alone." "Eleanor!" said Miss Isobel reprovingly. "He is doing it at my request. It is our young friend Quinby Graham." Quin wheeled about in dismay, and found himself face to face with a slender vision in shimmering blue and silver, a vision with flushed cheeks and angry eyes, who looked at him in blank amazement, then burst out laughing. "Why, for mercy sakes!

Sherman's Brigade, too, has come over from our left, and now advances upon the deadly plateau, where lie the disabled Union batteries the prizes, in full sight of both Armies, for which each seems now to be so desperately striving. Down the slope, across the ravine, and up, on the other side, steadily presses Quinby, till he reaches the crest. He opens fire.

She concerned herself no longer with his verbal lapses, but responded instead to his glowing confidence that everybody was as sincere and well intentioned as himself. She discovered what the more sophisticated Rose had perceived at once that Quinby Graham "had a way with him," a beguiling, sympathetic way that made one tell him things that one really didn't mean to tell any one.

Guess if they had lived I'd been put through college and all the rest of it. My grandfather was Dr. Ezra Quinby. Ever hear of him?" Mr. Martel had to acknowledge that he had not. "Guess he is better known in China than in America," said Quin. "He died before I was born." "And you have no people in America?"

By 1909 there was considerable advance in favorable sentiment and people of influence were seeing the justice of the cause. Governor Henry B. Quinby and his wife gave their support. The Rev. Intensive work had been done in the 275 Granges, their State lecturer sending out instructions to discuss woman suffrage at April meetings.

As they turned toward the boys there was an instant recognition, and they hurried forward in eager greeting. "Mr. Quinby Ralph," they cried in chorus. "We can't tell you how glad we are to see you," said Bert. "What lucky wind blew you so far from California?" "Business, as usual," responded Mr. Quinby, evidently pleased by the warmth of his welcome.

"Is it so bad as all that?" "My dear sir, I don't say there's anything bad about it," returned Quinby, who seemed to possess a pretty gift of suggestive negation. "But you may hear another opinion from other people, for you will find that the whole hotel is talking about it.

Catherine would have raved about the view and made delicious fun of Quinby and the judge, and we should have sat together talking poetry and harmless scandal by the happy hour. Mrs. Lascelles probably took place and people alike for granted. But she had lived, and as an animal she was superb!

Only an ingrate would have turned and fled; and for the next hour or two I suffered Quinby to exploit my wounds and me for a good deal more than our intrinsic value.