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No quiere mas hoy. Mañana! Ocho! Sabe, Cochero? Ocho! Now don't chewbe What's late in their lingo, anyhow? 'Tisn't tardy, I know; that's afternoon. Tardeeo? Thank you. Now well, just sit down, first, lieutenant. You see we know how to address officers by their titles, if the Red Cross don't. I'd teach 'em to Mister me if I was an officer. Now, what I want to see you about first is this.

DOÑA MATILDE. Se gloriarían entonces de llamarse tales, más que si me vieran habitando en palacios de cristal. DON EDUARDO. O, lo que es lo mismo, en casa de un vidriero. DOÑA MATILDE. Ya, si no crees tampoco en aquellas amistades que se engendran en la edad preciosa.... DON EDUARDO. En que no se sabe todavía lo que se quiere. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Qué terrible estás, Eduardo!

Harris was in an instant on his feet, and whirling, confronted 'Tonio, tall, gaunt, silent, impassive. "Que quiere?" he demanded, in the blunt vernacular of the service. It annoyed him that subordinate of his should thus appear unseen, unheard, unsummoned, and to her affright.

BRUNO. Y por eso cabalmente quiero yo hablar ahora, y contar a usted.... DON PEDRO. Calla. BRUNO. Pero si no me deja usted hablar, ¿cómo quiere usted...? BRUNO. ¡No sabía yo lo de la afiladura del espadín!

"Viva Santa Ana!" was the by-word everywhere, and it had even reached California, though there were still many here, among whom was Don Juan Bandini, who were opposed to his government, and intriguing to bring in Bustamente. Santa Ana, they said, was for breaking down the missions; or, as they termed it "Santa Ana no quiere religion."

Noticiero! Vendors of lottery-tickets wander up and down, audaciously offering the first prize: 'Quien quiere el premio gardo? Beggars follow you with piteous tales of fasts improbably extended. But most striking is the gente flamenca, the bull-fighter, with his numerous hangers-on.

"Señor," she began in Spanish, "deseo comprar aquel caballo negro. Puedo pagar cualquire cantidad razonable por el. Se perdio y nosotros lo cuidamos, y he aprendido a quererlo mucho. Si usted quiere venderlo me haria un gran favor. Siento mucho que me lo hayan quitado." The Mexican looked relieved. He slowly removed his hat with true Castilian courtesy.

DOÑA MATILDE. Porque ni entonces quise, ni ahora quiero oír hablar de intereses ni parentescos. Eso queda bueno cuando se trata de esos monstruosos enlaces que se ven por ahí, en donde todo se ajusta como libra de peras, y en donde se quiere averiguar antes si habrá luego que comer, o si habrá con que educar los hijos que vendrán, o que quizá no vendrán. ¿Y yo había de pensar en eso?

It was only of late she had assumed that tone, and her mistress had observed it among other changes. "Que quiere V., Senorita?" "Vicenza, I have lost a small piece of paper. It was folded in an oblong shape not like a letter, but this " Here a piece of paper, similarly put up, was held out for the inspection of the girl. "Have you seen anything of it?"

No toothache nor other malady, and no spleen; people die by accident or from old age; indeed, the Montereyans have an odd proverb, "El que quiere morir que se vaya del pueblo" that is to say, "He who wishes to die must leave the city." While remaining there I had rather a perilous adventure.