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'Why, then, says my father and mother-in-law, ''tis yourself, Friar Rooney, that's as welcome as the flowers of May; and see who's here before you Father Corrigan, and Father Dollard. * Questin When an Irish priest or friar collects corn or money from the people in a gratuitous manner, the act is called "questin." Welcome.

You're both my friends, an' may this be poison to me, but I'll spake like an honest man, for the one as well as for the other. "Well, then," said Donovan, "how is Phelim to support my daughther, Larry? Sure that's a fair questin', any way." "Wiry, Paddy," replied Larry, "when Phelim gets her, he'll have a patch of his own, as well as another.

Keep me, fowk wud think ye was discussin' the auld kirk questin, the wey you're roarin'. The mileeshie wudna hae you at ony rate, an' we're no' juist dune wi' ye at hame yet. But neist time you're makin' a speech, Sandy, dinna try an' stand on ae leg. That's what put ye aff the straucht. Ye see " I lookit roond, an' Sandy wasna there.

* A small pathway or bridle road leading to a farm-house. "When the stranger came as far as the skirt of the green, he turned the horse over quite nathural to the wedding; and, sure enough, when he jogged up, it was Friar Rooney himself, with a sack of oats, for he had been questin.* Well, sure the ould people couldn't do less nor all go over to put the failtah on him.