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They ran the risk that the porter would return if they had not already made away with him. Only the most desperate purpose could explain their action. "What do you want?" demanded Orme. "Your pocket-book," replied one of the men "queek!" He smiled an elusive smile as he spoke. "What if I refuse?" said Orme. "Then we take. Be queek."

The affair was clear enough now, except for some few corroborative details. "And someone did come, Broussard?" "Oui, damn queek a fellow with a letter from Philip; eet was sign hees name, hees handwrite, appoint heem overseer." "And what became of him?" The Creole shrugged his shoulders. "'T is not my business, M'sieur. He go way somewhere queek. Maybe he not like ze place."

"Dis Snake Creek," remarked the Indian; "better you git off now an' stretch you leg. Me, A'm mak' de blanket on de groun' an' you ketch-um little sleep. Mebbe-so dem com' queek mebbe-so long tam'." Even as he talked the man spread a pair of new blankets beside the trail and walking a short distance away seated himself upon a rock and lighted a cigarette.

Ver' goot for your complaint, Bryan. But come, here, vitement. Just regardez dat hinfant. Come here, queek!" It was a remarkably fine child, seemingly about ten months old, with a round, rosy, oily face, coal-black hair, and large, round, coal-black eyes, with which it returned the stare of the two men with interest.

He hav' letter from North one, two sheet paper an' eet tell heem how eet all vas. Someone write heem I link maybe Pierre Vonique who went way long time. No matter; vat he told was zat M'sieur Philip die die queek frum accident. Nevah speak, an' when zey pick heem up, zar was noddin' in hees pocket. See, M'sieur! He vas robbed. Vonique he hear about eet, an' fin' ze body.

"Camp now. Beside de cut-bank here. Dem hoss she got for res' queek or, ba Goss, she die." Tex felt his own horse tremble and he knew the half-breed's words were true. With an oath he swung into the sheltered angle of the cut-bank along which they were travelling.

At half-past eight Eglantine, already bubbling, in spite of the earliness of the hour, with excited animation, awoke Pollyooly and pulled up the blind of the bedroom window. Then she cried: "'E ees 'ere! Queek! Queek! Coom to ze window! Let 'im see you!" Pollyooly jumped out of bed and ran to the window. The detective stood on the lawn regarding the house gloomily.

A sharp frost happened to have set in, and before we got back to the shore the poor fellow's garments were frozen so stiff that he could not run. "`This is a bad job, Maximus, said I; `we must carry him. Do you lift his head, and I'll take the feet. "`Oh be queek! I is frizzen up, cried Oolibuck, casting a rueful look through his tangled locks, which were a mere mass of icicles!

Ere they returned to camp he knew enough to stop at "ho," to go ahead at "mush," to swing wide on the bends, and to keep clear of the wheeler when the loaded sled shot downhill at their heels. "T'ree vair' good dogs," Francois told Perrault. "Dat Buck, heem pool lak hell. I tich heem queek as anyt'ing."

"There is no to be thankful for to me!" said Manuel. "How shall I leave you dreeft, dreeft all around the Banks? Now you are a fisherman eh, wha-at? Ouh! Auh!" He bent backward and forward stiffly from the hips to get the kinks out of himself. "I have not cleaned boat to-day. Too busy. They struck on queek. Danny, my son, clean for me." Harvey moved forward at once.