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'Good bye, I say, 'I not see heem more. Beeg feller hees loose dat rope, ron down on de bank hitching rope on willow tree an' roun' hees own shoulder an' jump on reever way down on bend an' wait for ole boss. For me? I mak dis pony cross ver' queek. Not know how, an' pass on de noder side. I see beeg feller, hees hol' de ole boss on hees coat collar wit bees teef, by gar! an' sweem lak ottar.

But I no use to you now. Not at all! I no use to myself. Voila! I got well queek; better so here; not over yon in No-Man's-Land. But you be sure bring my enfant back safe, my Bleriot Ah! A great baby is my Bleriot!" Blaine promised to do his best. His pal and comrade, Orris Erwin, was also good, safe in short, reliable. "Never fear, Monsieur Cheval!

"I'm due to hit that trail myself, I suppose," said Ned Trent. "I have t'ink so," acknowledged Achille, still with a tone of most engaging cheerfulness. "Shall I be sent out at once, do you think?" "I don' know. Sometam' dat ole man ver' queek. Sometam' he ver' slow. One day Injun mak' heem ver' mad; he let heem go, and shot dat Injun right off.

Lizette fell back against the wall, her face gone white and her lips parted. Her free hand fluttered up to her heart, and for a few moments she was speechless. Finally she forced a little laugh. "Oh, how you frighten me, monsieur!" she exclaimed. "You catch me so queek by ze arm, and your feengaires hurt!" Carson released his hold, but blocked her path.

Noder tam he get mad on one voyageur, but he don' keel heem queek; he bring heem here, mak' heem stay in dose warm room, feed heem dose plaintee grub. Purty soon dose voyageur is get fat, is go sof; he no good for dose trail. Ole man he mak' heem go ver' far off, mos' to Whale Reever. Eet is plaintee cole. Dat voyageur, he freeze to hees inside. Dey tell me he feex heem like dat."

Old-a Finlay-a go die-a ver' queek, an' he vant-a spik with-a you first." "Dying! Old Finlay dying?" questioned Ravenslee, rising. "Sure! He go die-a ver' queek." "I'll come!" "An' I guess," said Mrs. Trapes, "yes, I opine as I'll come along wi' ye, Mr. Geoffrey."

She was thoughtful after that, and so busy puzzling her young head about the duty of loving those who hate us, and being kind to those who are disagreeable or unkind, that she went through the rest of the wood quite forgetful of her work. A soft "Queek, queek!" made her look up and listen.

Dupont, what's to do?" inquired McLeod as the two horsemen came up. "Please, monsieur, Lincoln have bet me von gun dat hims horse go more queek dan mine so we try." "Yes, so we shall, I guess," added the man named Lincoln, whose speech told that he was a Yankee. "Go it, stranger; I calc'late you'll do him slick," cried Waller patronisingly, for his heart warmed towards his countryman. "Ah! non.

The two led their faithful comrade to the heap of bearskins on the mail sled and made him sit there while fresh soup was being made. "You catch heem," grinned Mukoki joyously. "You catch heem queek!" "And pretty nearly killed himself doing it, Muky," added Rod. "Now " he glanced from one to the other of his companions, "what is the first thing to be done?"

No nest was to be seen, no parent birds hovered overhead, and little Robin could only tell its troubles in that mournful "Queek, queek, queek!" Nelly ran to get both her chests, and, sitting down beside the bird, tried to feed it. To her great joy it ate crumb after crumb, as if it were half starved, and soon fluttered nearer with a confiding fearlessness that made her very proud.