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I can run the 100 in ten-one and the 220 in evens and I'm a good quarterback. I'm going to beat you out of your job. "Sprack, for once in his life, was flustered to death. When several of the boys who were nearby and had heard the conversation, began to laugh, he grew red in the face and quickly got up and walked away without a word.

I said to Johnny Baird, Princeton quarterback: 'Princeton is great to-day. We have played ten minutes and you haven't scored. Johnny, with a look of determination upon his face, said, 'You fellows can play ten times ten minutes and you'll never score, but the Princeton football hangs in the Yale trophy room. "I have always claimed that Charlie de Saulles put the Yale '97 team on the map.

In the latter eighties the signal from the quarterback to the center for putting the ball in play was a pressure of the fingers and thumb on the hips of the center. In the '89 championship game between Yale and Princeton, Yale had been steadily advancing the ball and it looked as if they had started out for a march up the field for a touchdown.

Vance, I picked you for a quarterback, but I made a mistake; you ought to be sorting eggs. That ball isn't red hot. You don't have to let go of it as soon as you get it. Don't be afraid, nobody will step on you. This isn't a rude game. It's only a game of post-office. You needn't act so nervous about it. Maybe some of the big girls will kiss you, but it won't hurt."

And now, in the early fall, the three comrades were seeking to win further laurels on the gridiron as they had previously won them on the diamond. Provisionally, they had been placed by the keen-eyed coach on the 'Varsity team. Tom's quickness and adroitness had singled him out as especially fitted for quarterback.

The Dauntless eleven had worked the pigskin up to within a few yards of the Putnam Hall goal line, and now over it came. "A touchdown for Dauntless!" "Great work! Now make it a goal!" The ball was brought out, and the Dauntless quarterback kicked a beautiful goal, amid a great cheering and tooting of horns. "Eight minutes more to play," said Dale. "Boys, let us tie the score if nothing else."

Just as soon as the Harvard team had rolled up a tidy little score, Kennard was sent into the game and instructions were given to the quarterback that he was to signal for a drop kick every time the Harvard team was within forty yards of the opponent's goal no matter what the angle might be. The game ended with Kennard having kicked four goals from the field out of six tries.

I have often seen him get jolts, go down, and naturally one would think go out entirely, but when I would go up to him, he would jump up as though he had not felt it. I think Everett Colby was as good a man interfering for the runner as I have seen. He played quarterback and captained the Brown team in '96.

"Everybody acted queer about Charlie Jackson, at first," said Lydia, "but now you're getting well, they're all just as crazy about him as ever." "He'll kill some one in a football scrimmage yet," was John's comment. "No, the boys say he never loses his temper. The rest of them do. I wish girls played football. I bet I'd make a good quarterback." John laughed weakly but delightedly.

He made the team his first year, playing quarterback on the eleven which was coached by Pop Warner and which won the Southern championship. He received the injury which caused his death in the Georgia-Virginia game, played in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 30th, 1897. He was a fine fellow personally and one of the most popular men at the University.