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Updated: August 2, 2024

"I likes to see thee with that babby, Abel," said George, pausing in his work. "Thee's a good boy, Abel, and careful. I likes to do any thing for thee, Abel." "I wish I could do any thing for thee, Gearge," said Abel; "but I be too small to help the likes of you, Gearge." "If you're small, you're sprack," said the miller's man. "Thee's a good scholar, too, Abel. I'll be bound thee can read, now?

I can run the 100 in ten-one and the 220 in evens and I'm a good quarterback. I'm going to beat you out of your job. "Sprack, for once in his life, was flustered to death. When several of the boys who were nearby and had heard the conversation, began to laugh, he grew red in the face and quickly got up and walked away without a word.

If your Royal Highness had seen him dreaming and dozing about the banks of Tully-Veolan like an hypochondriac person, or, as Burton's "Anatomia" hath it, a phrenesiac or lethargic patient, you would wonder where he hath sae suddenly acquired all this fine sprack festivity and jocularity.

SORNERS, sornars, sojourners, sturdy beggars, especially those unwelcome visitors who exact lodgings and victuals by force. SORTED, arranged, adjusted. SPEIR, ask, investigate. SPORRAN-MOLLACH, a Highland purse of goatskin. SPRACK, animated, lively. SPRING, a cheerful tune. SPURRZIE, spoil. STIEVE, stiff, firm. STIRK, a young steer or heifer. STOT, a bullock. STOUP, a jug, a pitcher.

We were talking over prospects on the steps in front of the Brown Union one morning just before college opened, the fall that he was captain, when a young chap came up and said: "'Are you Sprackling, Captain of the Team? "'That's me, replied Sprack. "'Well, I'm coming out for quarterback, the young man declared, 'and I expect to make it.

"I'm sprack," said Jan, confidently. "And I be fond of pigs." "Massey upon me," said Master Salter, laughing again. "Tis a peart young toad, sartinly. A might be fifty year old, for the ways of un. Well, thee shall have a shilling and thee tea, or one and sixpence without, then." And seeing that Jan glanced involuntarily at the table, the farmer added, "Give un some now, missus.

So well did he manage this, that a marked improvement in the tidiness of the round-house drew some praise from his master. "Thee'll be a sprack man yet, Gearge," said the windmiller, encouragingly. "Thee takes the broom into the corners now." "So I do," said George, unblushingly, "so I do. But lor, Master Lake, what a man you be to notice un!"

But though a sprack lad, and fond of pleasure and its haunts, Harry Wakefield was steady, and not the cautious Robin Oig M'Combich himself was more attentive to the main chance. His holidays were holidays indeed; but his days of work were dedicated to steady and persevering labour.

I sought first to draw his mind away from the contemplation of these tragic things. "Are you married?" I asked. The eyes brightened in the flushed face. "Yes, that I be, and I 'ave a little boy, he be a sprack little chap." "And what are you going to make of him?" "I'm gwine to bring un up to be a soldjer," he said solemnly. "To fight them Germans," he added.

"My father didn't send me," said Jan, gravely. "I come myself. Do 'ee want a pig-minder, Master Salter?" "Ay, I wants a pig-minder. But I reckon thee father can't spare Abel for that now. A wish he could. Abel was careful with the pigs, he was, and a sprack boy, too." "I'll be careful, main careful, Master Salter," said Jan, earnestly. "I likes pigs." But the farmer was pondering.

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