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They could see the spark of new fire under the pot a block away. A short figure with flaming torch was approaching Laura's corner at high speed. "Here comes Short and Long, I do believe," drawled Prettyman Sweet. "My pot will soon be boiling," laughed Laura. "What are you going to throw in, Purt? And you, Mrs. Sweet? Give all you can and as often as you can."

"See how he brought me here in his car when I was hurt. And look at the stuff Purt's given me while I've been here," said Billy excitedly. "He'd never have hurt that man and run away without seeing what he'd done. No, sir!" "Crackey, Billy!" said Chet, "you've turned square around." "I know I have. And I ought to be ashamed of myself for ever distrusting Purt," said the invalid vigorously.

We hollered an' fired off guns, an' after a while it settled down an' lodged in a tree. The' was only one man in it, but he was dyked out in Sunday clothes, an' purt' nigh froze to death. We fed an' warmed him, an' he was about as much surprised at us as we was at him.

"If Purt is supposed to represent a Sherwood Forest outlaw, and he ever meets one of the outlaws of the Big Woods that he's been worried about, the latter 'squashbuckler' will be scared to death." "'Squashbuckler' is good!" chuckled Jess. "Some of those old villains I expect were squashes." "My dear!" ejaculated her mother.

Think of the scenic effects, the low music as the orphan kneels in the middle of the stage and prays that the balloon may bring them food; and then have the villanous cousin in the balloon " Well, they purt' nigh fought about it, and they were still at it when I left them. The tingle of spring in the air made me wild to get back to the range again.

The short boy leaped away; but he could not leave the flames behind him. He threw down the torch and tried to tear off the domino. In a moment he was a pillar of flame! "A blanket! A robe! Quick, Purt!" cried Laura, and started toward the victim of the accident, bare-handed. For once Purt Sweet did as he was told, and did it quickly. He ran with the robe from the front seat of the automobile.

Purt did not like to let go of money among his school chums he was considered a notorious "tight-wad" but he was willing to do almost anything to get away from the greasy-handed butcher. "What what did the dog take? How much were the frankfurters worth?" he stammered. "The dog isn't mine weally! but I'll pay " "A dollar, then.

"If you abuse your dog the S. P. C. A. will do something to you that you won't like." "It isn't my dog! I weally never saw it before," gasped the dude, growing very warm and red as the dog leaped about him in delight. "You'll have to tell that to the judge," the man assured him. This really scared Purt. He did not want to be arrested for abusing the strange dog.

"I told you I'd get it without lifting the mug, Purt," he said, and the crowd burst into a chorus of laughter. Purt had been made the victim of the joke, after all. It was all good fun, however. Purt could well afford the half dollar, and after a minute he, too, laughed.

"Sure," said Chet, quickly. "We'll leave Art, if you say so. He rather admires Lil, too, Purt." This made the dude keep still; but he did dislike this "manhunt" in the thick brush of Acorn Island. After they had gone half a mile or so, and found nothing not even a trace of anybody else having camped on the island they all took the situation more cheerfully.