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"A few days later I r-read in th' pa-apers in a column called 'Brief News Jottings, just below a paragraph about th' meetin' iv th' Dairyman's Assocyation, an account iv how justice has pursooed her grim coorse in th' case iv John Adamowski.

Pyecroft behind us, "I don't mind rammin' a bathin'-machine; but if only one of them week-end Weymouth blighters has thrown his empty baccy-tin into the sea here, we'll rip our plates open on it; 267 isn't the Archimandrite's old cutter." "I am hugging the shore," was the answer. "There's no actual 'arm in huggin', but it can come expensive if pursooed."

He's rich again, y' see aye, richer than ever an' pursooed by several widders in consequence. He's come into a mort o' money, has Jessamy. But you know all about it, o' course?" "Not a word." "Lord, an' 't was your uncle, Sir Jervas, as done it! Left Jess five thousand pound! Think o' that!"

But 'tis th' divvle's own hardship f'r a coon to step out iv th' rooms iv th' S'ciety f'r th' Brotherhood iv Ma-an where he's been r-readin' a pome on th' 'Future of th' Moke' an' be pursooed be a mob iv abolitionists till he's dhriven to seek polis protection, which, Hinnissy, is th' polite name f'r fracture iv th' skull. "I was f'r sthrikin' off th' shackles iv th' slave, me la-ad.

Dooley continued, "I was on'y goin' to say, Hinnissy, that in spite iv me hathred iv George as a man a marrid man an' me contimpt f'r his qualities as a fighter, in spite iv th' chickens he has stole an' the notes he has forged an' th' homes he has rooned, if he was to come r-runnin' up Archey road, as he might, pursooed be ladies an' gintlemen an' th' palajeem iv our liberties peltin him with rotten eggs an' ol' cats, I'd open th' dure f'r him, an' whin he come in I'd put me fut behind it an' I'd say to th' grateful people: 'Fellow-citizens, I'd say, 'lave us, I'd say.