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But they've done that no punishin' won't reach, though maybe they'll give in after a spell. I shan't hurt 'em nor touch to; but I shall keep 'em tied to me till they tell me what I'm bound to know. So that's all. You've got enough on your hands, with this funeral business and all that'll come, and however we're goin' to feed another lot of visitors so soon after them others, I declare I don't see.

Eh, man, but it were a queer game the deevil played wi' me that day, a queer, mocking game that I'll niver forget so lang as there's breath left i' my body. Leastways that's what I thought at the time, but I've learnt by now that it weren't the deevil; it was the Almighty punishin' me for eatin' o' the Tree o' Knowledge. "Fower o'clock came, and I got tea ready.

'T wouldn't take my team more 'n half a minute to butt the life out o' Tom's team." An' with that little Tommy Deems, why, he commenced to cry, an' 'stid o' punishin' him for bein' sech a cry-baby, what did the teacher do but give Sonny another check, for castin' slurs on Tommy's animals, an' gettin' Tommy's feelin's hurted!

He looked like hell, and was sure punishin' his horse. I said when I seen him I'd bet he's run into Pan. How about it?" "Reckon he did," laughed Pan. "It was pretty tough on him, I'm bound to admit. He rode down the path and caught me well, the truth is, Dad, I was kissing the young lady he imagined belonged to him."

"Oh, yes," sez Josiah in a reasonin' tone, "the word laymen always means wimmen when it is used in a punishin' and condemnatory sense, or in the case of work and so fourth, but when it comes to settin' up in high places, or drawin' sallerys, or anything else difficult, it alweys means men."

Larry's wide mouth curved in a slow grin, and he nodded his close-cropped head; said he: "Say, Kiddo, you know Young Alf's a punishin' fighter, I guess; you know as nobody's never stopped him yet, don't yer; you know as you're givin' him six pounds say, you ain't scared, are ye?" "Scared?" repeated Spike, frowning. "Do I look like I was scared?

They dislike you because you've done well when they've done ill. But it's easy to forgie them it's aye hard to bear a grudge in this world, and to be thinkin' always of punishin' those who use us despite-fully. I've had my share of knocks from folk. And sometimes I've dreamed of being able to even an auld score. But always, when the time's come for me to do it, I've nae had the heart.

Did ever mortal see sich an uncivilized trick? roared Watchorn; adding, as he climbed on to his horse again, and went spluttering through the frozen turnips after the offender, 'You've no 'quaintance with Lord John Manners, I think! 'Oh dear! oh dear! exclaimed he, as his horse nearly came on his head, 'but this is the most punishin' affair I ever was in at.

"Oh, yes," sez Josiah in a reasonin' tone, "the word laymen always means wimmen when it is used in a punishin' and condemnatory sense, or in the case of work and so fourth, but when it comes to settin' up in high places, or drawin' sallerys, or anything else difficult, it alweys means men."

"Well, then, I shan't," said the captain, decidedly, "for 'twouldn't be any punishin'. Can't some of you whistle?" Willy Snow struck up Yankee Doodle, which soon charmed the wayward feet of the little volunteers, and set them to marching in good time.