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Joplin played with his knife and made an attempt to nibble a slice of Tine's toast, but he made no reply. All the fight of every kind seemed to have been knocked out of him. "Better take Fizzenbad in, Joppy," remarked Pudfut in an undertone. "May do you a lot of good." "How far is it, Schonholz?" asked Joplin, ignoring the Englishman's suggestion.

Pudfut, under pretence of inspecting the smear a portrait of the old Sacristan on a bench in front of the main entrance started back in surprise on seeing the Bostonian, and asked with an anxious tone in his voice: "Aren't you well, old man? Look awfully yellow about the gills. Worked too hard, haven't you? No use overdoing it." "Well? Of course I'm well! Sound as a nut.

"Don't pull it out," had come the answer. "Put it there!" and within an hour the breezy fellow, his arm through the Englishman's, had trotted him all over Dort from the Groote Kerk to the old Gate of William of Orange, introducing him to every painter he met on the way, first as Pudfut, then as Puddy, then as Pretty-foot, then as Tootsie-Wootsie, and last as Toots a name by which he is known in the Quartier to this day.

Pudfut, the Englishman, first in from Norway, where he had been sketching on board some lord's yacht he of the grizzly brown beard, brown ulster reaching to his toes, gray-checked steamer-cap and brierwood pipe an outfit which he never changed "slept in them," Marny insisted. "Me name's Pudfut," he began, holding out his hand to Marny. "I've got a letter in my clothes for ye from a chap in Paris."

Was my pulse all right when you counted it last night?" "Yes, certainly skipped a beat now and then, but that's nothing. I had an uncle once who had a pulse that wobbled like that. He, of course, went off suddenly; some said it was apoplexy; some said it was his heart these doctors never agree. I wouldn't worry about it, old man. Hold on, Pudfut, don't walk so fast."

You drank sterilized milk at blood temperature until you were five; chewed patent, unhulled wheat bread until you were ten, and since that time you've filled your stomach with husks proteids, and carbohydrates, and a lot of such truck isn't that what he calls em, Pudfut?" The Englishman nodded in assent. "And now just look at you, Joppy, instead of a forty-inch chest "

The real Reception Committee, consisting of Mynheer in a burgomaster suit borrowed from a friend, and the four painters Marny as a Dutch Falstaff, Pudfut as a Spanish Cavalier, Stebbins got up as a Night Watch, and Malone in the costume of a Man-at-Arms all costumes loaned for the occasion by the antiquary in the next street were to await Joplin's coming in the privacy of the Gate almost a tunnel and so close to the door of the inn that it might have passed for a part of the establishment itself.

If you knew anything of the kinds of food necessary to nourish the human body, you would know that it should combine in proper proportions proteid, fats, carbohydrates and a small percentage of inorganic salts these are constantly undergoing oxidation and at the same time are liberating energy in the form of heat." "Hear the bloody bounder!" bawled Pudfut from the other end of the table.

No, Marny, you don't can lend me noddings. What vill yourselluf do? Starve!" "Where do you live, Schonholz?" asked Joplin. "By Fizzenbad." "What kind of a place is it baths?" "Yes." "What are they good for?" continued Joplin in a subdued tone. "Noddings, but blenty peoples go." "I can tell you, Joppy," said Pudfut gravely, with a wink at Malone. "There are two spas, both highly celebrated.

The conspirators had owned up frankly to their share of the villany, and were hard at work concocting plans for its undoing. Marny was the one man in the group that would not be pacified; nothing that either Pudfut, Stebbins or Malone had said or could say changed his mind and the discussion, which had lasted all day, brought him no peace.