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But perhaps more important, and certainly more significant, is the twelfth clause of the decree which relates to the way in which the Judices Provinciarum are to be appointed. "We order," says Justinian, "that only fit and proper persons able to administer the local government shall be chosen, and this by the bishops and chief persons of each province from the inhabitants of that province."

Inhabitants of Norfolk and Suffolk. Rem Romanam huc satietate gloriæ provectam, ut externis quoque gentibus quietem velit. Tacit. Annal. Nam duces, ubi impetrando triumphalium insigni sufficere res suas crediderant, hostam omittebant. Tacit. Annal. Sigonii de Antiquo Jure Provinciarum, Lib. 1 and 2. Cic. in Verrem, I.

It pretends that he swam with one hand, and carried his Commentaries, holding them above water, with the other. As if a general would take his MSS. with him into a hot action! "Neque provinciarum injurias condonari iis posse qui fuissent in se officiosi." De Bello Alexandrino, 70.

Dicuil, also an Irish monk, was the author of a remarkable work on geography, De Mensura Provinciarum Orbis Terrae, which was written in 825, and contains interesting references to Iceland and especially to the navigable canal which once connected the Nile with the Red Sea. He wrote between 814 and 816 a work on astronomy which has never been published.

He wrote to the judges: "You must manage to banish oppression and violence out of the provinces. You have begun well, and you must finish well." At the conclusion he had a medal struck representing a slave rising from the ground, under the protection of the sword of royalty, and with the expressive device, Salus provinciarum repressa potentorum audacia.