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So loath is humanity to touch the customs of its ancestors, and to change the laws framed by the founders of communities, and confirmed by the faithful observance of the ages. Nihil motum ex antiquo probabile est: Distrust all innovations, wrote Titus Livius.

The Chronicles of the Acts of S. Mark in Aquileia, which are earlier than the eleventh century, say that it was covered with ivory plaques, "utique antiquo," but the large amount of carving upon it leaves little space for the attachment of further ornament. Its history seems quite clear.

An old tradition, which I have managed with difficulty to piece together from fragments unconsciously dropped now and then, pretends that ab antiquo a covenant was made between the tigers and sorcerers that after one of the latter had been dead a week his soul should enter a feline body.

Inhabitants of Norfolk and Suffolk. Rem Romanam huc satietate gloriæ provectam, ut externis quoque gentibus quietem velit. Tacit. Annal. Nam duces, ubi impetrando triumphalium insigni sufficere res suas crediderant, hostam omittebant. Tacit. Annal. Sigonii de Antiquo Jure Provinciarum, Lib. 1 and 2. Cic. in Verrem, I.

Ter. And., i. but the best pretence for innovation is of very dangerous consequence: "Aden nihil motum ex antiquo probabile est."

But as the party marched indignantly up and down the aisles, another smell comes to join the incense garlic. A merry, good-humoured little priest appears; it is the friend of the lady cousin. He knew no English but "Yis, Yis"; they little Italian but the essentials for travel: "Troppo, bello, antiquo."

To make up, if possible, for the disappointment, he showed them all over the church and sacristy; he did not miss one memorial tablet, not one disappearing fresco, and knowing the taste of the English, he said, as each new item was displayed: "Molto, molto antiquo."