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But she had not long withdrawn when the prison-door was again opened, and Lady Scott rushed into the arms of her son. "My mother!" cried he, starting back in astonishment "my mother! hoo is this?" "Oh, joy an' gladness, an' every blessing be upon my honoured lady! for noo I may stand some chance o' walkin' back upon my ain feet to see my family.

And now with difficulty the soldiers forced a way through the throng for the approaching officer of justice; the great officiating dignitary of the town, who was to preside over the ceremony. He neared the town-hall, to order the unlocking of the prison-door, when the wretched witchfinder again sprang forward, crying, "Mercy! mercy! she is innocent. Hear me, noble Ober-Amtmann!"

The women who were now standing about the prison-door stood within less than half a century of the period when the man-like Elizabeth had been the not altogether unsuitable representative of the sex. They were her countrywomen: and the beef and ale of their native land, with a moral diet not a whit more refined, entered largely into their composition.

Such persons are confined for a longer or shorter period, according to the view taken of their character or associates; and if nothing be elicited by the secret ordeal of examination, the prison-door is opened, and the prisoner is requested to go home. No apology is offered; no redress is obtained. Such cases, I was told, were numerous. One such came to my knowledge through Mr Stewart.

"Nay, who would venture to attack such a fortress as this?" answered Lady Mar. "Hark! it is the slogan of Sir William Wallace. Oh, for a sword!" exclaimed the earl. A voice was heard begging for mercy the voice of De Valence, the governor. "You shall die!" was the stern answer. "Nay, Kirkpatrick, I give him life." The accents were Wallace's. A battering-ram broke down the prison-door.

We trusted that the same Deliverer would open the prison-door for the three thousand soldiers on the two islands in the Gulf. At nine o'clock A. M., May 1st, we attended the organization of the fifth colored Sabbath-school in the city. At eleven A. M. we went to Wall Street Church, and listened to an interesting discourse by Chaplain Trask, of the Fourth Illinois Regiment.

Roche moved to the window. Angela's heart sank. All her pleading was in vain. Her voice faltered and broke: "Very well. Then take him. Sentence him for doing something his own countrymen will one day build a monument to him for doing. The moment the prison-door closes behind him a thousand voices will cry 'Shame' on you and your government, and a thousand new patriots will be enrolled.

The women who were now standing about the prison-door stood within less than half a century of the period when the man-like Elizabeth had been the not altogether unsuitable representative of the sex. They were her countrywomen; and the beef and ale of their native land, with a moral diet not a whit more refined, entered largely into their composition.

She laid her hand upon his arm, and he took her over the way; the crowd, rather injured by the near prospect of losing her, pressing before and behind and on either side, and recommending an adjournment to Bedlam. After a momentary whirl in the outer court-yard, the prison-door opened, and shut upon them.

Wondrous strange it seemed, incomprehensible, more than she could manage or control. There are prisoners whose pardon proves the world too large for them: they find no rest until their prison-door is opened for them again. Of this class was Elsie, not Jacqueline.